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Gagging sequence base for Esdeath (Feb Poll Winner 2). Doing the actual layers tomorrow!

Also, I was looking through some files and found this little extra from last summer which I don't think(?) I've ever posted anywhere:

IIRC I shelved it because I felt like I was already posting too much Jam stuff, then later dug it up and turned it into the Tohru-Ilulu double Bonus Pic. It's still kinda embarrassing to me tbh, but at this point I guess it can't hurt to share! 😷

(I'm trying to quit deleting stuff, but you should probably save this one just in case.)




Great start! And love the fact that Samus is taller than you, just a couple helpless bound bimbos!


Perv like us should be gagged!mmurhm


👀👀👀 wow wow wow Esdeath looks fantastic, and the Jamus-Samus pic is sooooo hot 🤐


Personally I love seeing the Jam stuff mostly because there are always huge tits, heavy bondage, and massive gags which is what drew me to your work in the first place and it's where I think your best comes out :D Though I understand how you could feel a bit uncomfortable since they are a little more "personal." Speaking of which may I make the usual request of a dick-less alt of the (S/J)amus pic please?


Don't worry about the embarassing stuff, Jam - there's been enough of it that I'd imagine most of us are more than fine with it ;P


Can ya really be embarrassed in front of like minded individuals?


I think a lot of your fans will agree with me, we love seeing some Jam content~ In fact, I'd like to throw in my two cents for a second~ Jam, I love your art and want to keep shoveling money your way. For those higher paying tiers (like the 20$ or 25$ tier) I'm guessing they won't stick around for too long once BL3 is done and shipped, or you'll create new perks for them. I know you already make some great Jam content, from the fun offshoot scenarios to kinky Jam cosplay variants of normal pics. But what if for those higher paying tiers you made a 'Punishment' or 'Revenge' series of pics where the doms/OCs you have drawn bound and gagged turn the tables on you? Like esdeath here for example (which you did a great job on by the way) getting free and giving you a taste of your own medicine~ Though likely twice as strict, with some humiliation and probably spanking involved~ Just a thought I had. Can you imagine Dahlia getting her hands on you? Damn, that'd be a great pic~


The Jamus is great im glad you posted it


Oh shit that Samus plus Jam (or Jamus) pic might be one of my new faves among both characters O///O


Ah, I didn't know the Jam pics were embarrassing, let alone to such an extent! I hope you become more comfortable with them, they're some of my favorite pics. Not just from you, but from anyone! On the note of this one in particular, I'm jealous that you get to spend quality time with Samus like that! :P


All I Want is totally gagged and forced to smell or suck others' socks! Mmmmpph! oh that's hot