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Hi again! Here's what we've got from March:

The main addition this month is the turn-on system! 

Lily now has a hidden "arousal score" that affects her facial expressions and which voice clips you're likely to hear, and eventually makes her climax. The score decays or increases at varying speeds depending on a bunch of different stuff.

You've got a few toys to help you out...

And you can click on certain parts of her body to give it a little boost! 😏

We've also got a title screen now:

It's still looking a bit empty, so I might spruce it up a little before the final release.

Oh, and there's a much bigger ballgag now! (You can still use the smaller one if you prefer, of course.)

Other than that, just tying up a few more small loose ends (bugfixes and UI touchups). After six months, Bondage Lily 3 is now nearly finished. The only mandatory item left on my checklist is writing the dialogue. I'll be releasing a demo to $10 patrons soon and doing a full release in mid-April, cramming in as much stuff from my "maybe" list as I can in the meantime (tape over clothgags, electrical tape, more sockgag options, clothespins, etc).

I know it's probably best not to rush, but I do want to apologize again for not getting the full game out in March, as was the original goal. I really appreciate the understanding/supportive comments on last month's thread. I'll continue working hard to make sure BL3 is the best it can possibly be! 🙇‍♀️

Thank you so much, as always! 



I had a question, you asked earlier if you should release it on steam, are you gonna release it on steam or only on some websites?


It already looks and sounds amazing! I can’t wait to play it!!😍😍😍😍😍


It'll only be on Gumroad and itch.io for now. I might put it on Steam later, but I'm a little hesitant because Steam takes a bigger cut and I'm not sure how much extra reach it would get, given how niche the game is. I'm a little worried people might stumble onto it and buy it expecting a more vanilla/"normal" porn game and then leave negative reviews when it's not what they wanted.


Do you have an idea of price on full release? Looking awesome!

Huxy Hvuh

Always best to have a quality polished game that takes time then one that is rushed out for a deadline and is missing stuff. Can't wait for it


So so SO excited!


The full price will be $20, but you guys ($10 patrons) will get a 50% off discount code. BL2 was $22 for a long time, but in retrospect I think that was a little overpriced and I've got Patreon subsidizing it this time.


Don’t sweat about the slight delay, it’s not like you worked on it for years and years and had to delay and crunch past your original deadline multiple times just to release a game that was still omega buggy *cough cyberpunk*. Can’t wait to see what else you manage to fit in!


Just happy it's coming out at all! Can't wait to see the full thing! Just obviously patience first and it will be ready when it's ready. I can wait as long as need be.


Since it is looking a bit empty, and this suggestion would add so much more work on you. Do you think maybe some cosplay outfits would work, like say you can dress her up like Luna, or Gabs, or even Mari.


There are already a few other outfits: https://www.patreon.com/posts/61826940 When I said it "looks a bit empty" I meant the title screen. 😅


I wonder how much work it would be to run this in a windows simulator on my stupid Imac.


I'd love to see a "Jammy" version or surprise later down the line if time allows. I'd definately pay for a expansion or something along those lines