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Developing our mean girl OC a little more. Kinda shifting away from the generic gyaru we started with and more toward something that feels a little bit like an actual person. Annnnnd now I have a crush on her. Oops! 🙃

BL3 still chugging along. Apart from the title screen and a couple of minor UI bits, I've drawn most of the remaining assets I'm planning to put in before release. We should be basically finished by the end of this month. Next week I'll throw up a final test build for VIPs and an early demo for $10+ patrons, then tie up whatever loose ends are left and do the full release in April. Thanks for hanging in.




Who wouldn’t fall in love with this babe 👀


Hmm, "bitch" is maybe a bit too mean, to me it's not a word to say so nonchalantly


She’s super cute! Super mean and controlling but actually really cares about you. The name really fits with her personality too, with JK being short for Jackie. Like the kind who will tie and gag you brutally tight but always be checking to make sure it’s not hurting you. The closet that she locks us in is probably really cozy. If she’s a real bully I can definitely see why you’re so into her Jam >:). Booty pose would be fun. And definitely hope nothing stops you from “tying up” the rest of BL3!


Lol, every detail you add makes me love her more. I love characters who are like, they’re mean to you, but they’re the ONLY one allowed to bully you. Anyone else tries and they end up on her shit list. And I don’t think you wanna be on her shit list.


Hmmm where I come from people throw it around pretty casually! Depending on the context/person it can even be almost like a term of endearment. My characters don't usually swear though so maybe it's a bit jarring? 🤷‍♀️


Right exactly! She cares, she's just not going to stop every five seconds and be like "Aw poor baby is this okay? Was that okay? Was that too mean? Are you alright?" She has confidence and isn't afraid to push you a little bit.


I like that you’re building out this character more! Naming her “Jackie” as an evolution of her trademark “JK” is brilliant haha. Hope she wears that gyaru uniform again someday tho, she looked so cute in that bowtie


Love her design so much, really can’t get enough of your character designs that have gradient hair


Jackie just gets better and better 👁👁 booty pic sounds like a gooood idea to me 😄😏


Yup, like grabbing you and smothering you in her chest while saying “okay nerd let’s see how long you can hold your breath. Wow, your face is getting really red and your eyes are rolling a lot, looks really cute.”


"Wouldn't it be soooo messed up if you just, like, totally died right now"


“Hmmph! Mm cmpn brmmph!” “Oh alright I guess you can have like, A breath, but I’m putting you right back afterwards.”