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Got a random craving to draw a huuuuge tape cleave bursting with foam stuffing. It's not super cute, but there's something hot about that strict and humiliating look!

Earplugged, noseplugged, PACKED and GAGGED!




Ngl, this is like, gag perfection 😳💜 Absolutely stunning job 👌🏻


Just need a blindfold now to take away all the senses! Complete and utter helplessness at the hands of the one who did this to you 😈


Perfect amount of stuffing! Now to add some more restraint and grope those tits of yours 😈


A helpless brainwashed bimbo, plugged up and wrapped, plunged into darkness and silence... Mmm.


Oh, that looks like it’d feel heavenly to wear~


I think you described it best: it's a very humiliating look. And that's why it's one of my favorites to see! Something about the stuffer bulging outward, like it can almost be spit out, but kept firmly in place by the tape wrap to secure the gag is super hot. Almost free, but not quite! Great work as always.


Very tight and silencing! I’m sure with that filling a wide tape cleave gag it must be hard to make much noise at all. Would for sure be humiliating to be that helpless 😉


Absolutely love those kinds of gags. Well done.

Sen Trillion

Looks amazing, while I add a few more layers of tape myself there is no denying how hot that look is.


Nothing like seeing you the way everyone should see you, as a gag loving bimbo! My only request is that someone adds some rope to you and maybe another layer to make sure you are permanently gagged!


DAAAAAMNNNN this is hot as fuck my dude! The hint of the stuffing peaking through the tape is incredible. and I absolutely love the nose and ear plugs man - you've really really turned me onto them in recent months. And the colour choices are phenomenal. The combo of pink and blonde is just too powerful and really sells the bimbo look. Fantastic work as always my guy!


Didn’t know it was possible, but the additional gags are just, the icing on the cake that make it even better 💜💜💜


oh my god that stuffed cleave really suits you. you really should draw that style more often it's super hot and shows off the actual stuffing while still managing to be super tight. still think you could probably fit a *bit* more stuffing in don't you think?


I’m not so sure. A dirty bimbo gagslut like you needs more layers then that to keep you silent and gagged like you should be


Thank you! And you're right... Never enough stuffing for my big bimbo mouth...


*Kidnaps the helpless gagged bimbo Jam for myself*


Love the overflowing stuffing and markings of a 'permanent gag'.


Nice variants! They will definitely keep your big gag loving mouth shut until the next time you try a new gag.


That huge tape gag is super hot, and the permanent gag even more so. Just burying the face under more gags! Wish I could get kidnapped like that. You’ve been killing it Jam, especially with the edits to stuff 👍


Thanks Mix! I think we both need to get kidnapped, bimbofied and GAGGED just like that... Nobody'll even be able to tell us apart, mmph.


I love it! They get better and better with time.


Something about a packed mouth peeking out of a cleave gag is super hot, having it peek out makes the gag 50x more appealing in my eyes