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You know what to do! Let's hear your ideas for poses, bondage, gags, etc! While I can't incorporate every suggestion, I'll do my best to make  sure your input helps shape the final pic.



If it’s raven you have to not only tape wrap gag her so tight it hurts but also as so many tight layers that we can’t even understand one letter let alone a word she says, plus bind her and but a shackle with a ball and chain so she can’t fly away


Headcraf + HOTN


I feel like we got to have a variant where raven has a red cross "tape" gag from the series (https://imgur.com/a/hgVhnTU). Maybe also a variant where her hood is incorporated into a layered gag in some way, Like have her hood up and have like a otm/otn/wrap tape gag or what ever be a layer over her hood so that its kinda like a head scarf.


A thought that came to mind might be her being bound by her own magic. Either by it going out of control or possibly by one of her alternate selves


In Teen Titans, a villain named Red X shot red tape in an X-shape at her mouth before she could vocally cast her spell. Would love to see some reference to this! Maybe add some stuffing, extra wrappings of red tape, and layers of cloth to make sure she can't get any spells out!

brock jax

jam cosplay and/or a toe tie and foot stirrups please :)

brock jax

oh and futa variants if possible


Big OTN, maybe with a cutesy pattern like hearts that’d embarrass her


Big ol tight tape wrap gag. Can't wait to see this one finished! Also- 🎶Futa~🎶 pls

Andrew Blount

Definitely use a cute collar/choker that she gets led around by a leash while she's tied up and ballgagged ;3


Please add a toetie with dark toenail polish. Do a ball gag variant and some sort of seals to prevent her from using her magic. Dialogue/gag speak would be great too!


Any stuffing for a gag


Going along with the magic, maybe a mouthless variant, or a magically attached zipper https, or metal plate in true Beetlejuice fashion (all with stuffing inside, of course). I like the seal idea as well. Might be cool if she's grasping at her mouth fruitlessly, though that would mean her hands are free, which is...well, we all know. Here's refs if you go that way! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UWUIPu9lssnD_CP1LOzV9udXY1MSGW5W/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UfAwwnmi-5O6znXziNCrKUSPk95l4w9N/view?usp=sharing


How about something written on a tape gag that pisses her off, like “Gag my big mouth!” Or “ I love being gagged!”


Why Not Got With A Red X Theme Like That One Episode Of Teen Titans? He Gagged Her Mouth With An X, And Maybe Even A Bigger X To Wrap Up Her Body.