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Redux of an old version of Jam/"me" that I haven't drawn in a while. Had it sitting around for a couple of weeks, but was too embarrassed to post it, as usual...

Really want to write a proper caption for this at some point, and incorporate blackmail somehow. ("You'd better stay like that, or else...") If you have any ideas for suggestions or even wanna try writing your own captions, I'd love to read them.



Erika Lee

How about something like: "now if you don't want anybody knowing about this, you know what to do~" or something like that?


Right, that's exactly the kind of thing I was thinking of! I'm gonna make it nice and long and super humiliating though.


Looks it’s that bimbo gagslut Jam! Quick take a picture *click* You don’t want anyone to find out about this, right? Get over here so I can gag you more! That's right gagboy, unless you want these pics posted all over the internet you're gonna be my personal feminized bondage slave! Sounds like a fair deal, right? What's that, speak up! I can't understand you with your mouth JAM PACKED like that! And no more complaining, it's obvious how excited you are about this. Now hop on over here it's time to REALLY SHUT YOU UP!!


SHUT UP Jam!!! "Yeah, yeah, keep yapping into that gag, perv! Pretty DUMB of you to be walking around like that with your wallet on you! Now, we just took some niiice pictures of you in that slutty getup, and we made sure to get your I.D. AND credit cards in the shots!! If you don't want all of Twitter to see the real you--to find out what a pervy, gag-loving BIMBO you truly are--you had better listen closely, and follow our instructions to a T. If you're REALLY good, we might even untie you and let you go home. Until the next time we want to PLAY with you, that is! We might even give you your wallet back, if we're feeling generous. But these photos? They're staying with us! And if you don't obey, these will be all over Twitter before you can say "mmmph hngh mmfff!" Don't want that, do you? Now if you understand your situation, say 'I am ready to obey' into that huge gag. LOUDER! Like you mean it!! As loud as you can! Fufufufu, good little perv <3"


Shut up jam!! If you don’t shut your already gagged mouth I’m leaking this pics and videos to your Twitter and Instagram. I’ll do it too I swear! My thumbs over the post button as we speak…so…do what I say


We’ll lookie what we have here, once again we got Jam all tied up and gagged here. You know we just can’t help but kidnap you all the time because you just look so damn good with all that rope around your body and those socks filling your fat mouth. What’s that? “Mmph gmmph mmm pmmph mn?” That sounds like a bit too much noise coming out of you, we’ll have to put even more layers of tape and cloth over that gag to make sure that you can’t make even a single sound. Don’t worry Jam, we’re gonna take good care of you, from that pretty made up face, to those clamped titties down to those cute tied up feet, even that raging hard on you’ve got, that whole bimbo body is gonna get plenty of attention. Of course we’ve got to take plenty of pictures and videos, what kind of kidnapping party would this be if we didn’t commemorate it? It’s definitely gonna be something fun for all of us here to look at later. But you know what the real surprise is? There’s no lock on your door! In fact, there’s not even a door to trap you in here. It’s all open paths out of here, all you have to do is hope that cute ass of yours out the main door to get to freedom. But you should know, the second you put a single toe out of our hideout, well, that just means you’re eager to show your new look to everyone! It’s only fair then for us to share the photos and videos that we’ve already got, isn’t it? To your friends and family; hell, even the whole internet will get to see what a dirty perv Jam is! So unless you want THAT to happen, you’ll sit tight (hehe) in your room until it’s time to play with you. You’re all ours Jam!