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Happy New Year! 🥳🥳🥳

It's 2022!!! Here's a quick look back on some favorite works from 2021. Thanks for sticking around and keeping this clown car running for another whole year. 

I love you guys. I know, parasocial relationships or whatever, but, I really, sincerely feel so much love and appreciation for all of you little piglets. Even if you're just here to look at big anime titties or gags or whatever. You've given me so much. Thanks for making my year (and my life) so much brighter. ❤️

OK, enough gay stuff. News!

Reward Changes!

1. "Early lines/flats"

I'm revising this to a more general "early WIPs/scraps/etc" category. In practice, I seldom finish lineart before I start coloring, instead adding details, tweaks and fixes right up until I post (and sometimes after). Moreover, half of what I've been posting for $18 patrons hasn't even really been lines or flats at all, but scraps, edits or stuff that I just don't feel comfortable showing everyone (aka "weirds").

In other words, the actual rewards won't change; they'll just be better-labeled.

Also: going forward, these will be available to $12 patrons and up, not just $18 and up. I'm doing this mainly to compensate for another, less fun change that I'll explain in a minute.

2. Polls... Polls! POLLS!!!


I'm just going to say it: I hate polls. I like drawing poll winners, but I hate polls. They've always been by far the biggest source of complaints from patrons: They're stale. They're clumsy. They're chaotic. They're frustrating. Also: thank you again for being so generous with your support, but they've gotten stupidly overcrowded. At this point, it's typical for them to have 50+ choices. It's kind of ridiculous.

Because of these and other reasons, starting in February, polls will be totally reworked.

First: character submissions will be retired as a reward. Instead, $18+ patrons will provide unlimited character suggestions, which I'll then winnow down to 10-12 choices for the actual poll.

Second, the new polls will include reference images for each character in the actual body of the post, so even if you don't know who everyone is, you can at least see what they look like before you vote.

Third, we'll be using Patreon's built-in polling now (not possible before due to the ludicrous number of options). In other words, all polls will look something like the Second Chance Polls we did in 2021.

Again: This change will take effect in February. I'm not doing it right away because I didn't want $12 patrons to feel like they got the rug pulled right after being charged for a new month. Jan Poll 1 is a Second Chance Poll, and January Poll 2 will work the same way as before, with $12 patrons submitting characters.

I know not everyone is going to be happy about this. That's okay. TBH though, I've personally just felt really bad about the way the polls work for a long time. It's just way overdue for a change. It's 2022 now, so... let's make a change! 🥳


  • $12+ patrons now get early scraps, WIPs for most works, and other stuff
  • STARTING IN FEB, no more character submissions
  • Instead, $18+ patrons provide unlimited character suggestions
  • Polls overhauled: ref images, curated options, max of 10-12 characters, no more goofy "vote by faving comments" system

Thanks again, all. Let's have a great 2022! ✌️




To be honest, I like these changes and I agree the polls were starting to cause problems, just as a question how will the poll system work with the nominations, will there be a system in place for choosing the girls that get on the poll? or having a few months grace period so that we don't get the same girls on the poll month after month cause I feel that having the same people winning poll after poll was the main problem, I know that I personally was starting to get tired of it


Love the sound of this poll change, really feel like it’ll help make them a lot less messy, and based off of the second chance polls you’re super good at picking out characters! One question though, are femboys still going to be banned from suggestions after these changes? And also happy new year Jam! Looking forward to supporting you on her for another great year of art~


Under the new system, $18 patrons will provide suggestions and I'll personally pick 10-ish from those suggestions to put on the poll. I don't like having the same characters month after month either, so I'll definitely be taking that into consideration when making picks!


Love you too Jam! Also the poll changes are good imo


Thanks Lu! Same old rules will still apply. The only change I think I might make is (finally) doing separate polls for OCs.

Trevor Bond

Sounds good! Let's get this year rolling!


Jam, seriously, thank YOU for everything you do! You've created an incredibly fun, safe and welcoming place to enjoy kinky stuff & awesome art here on Patreon. I have a blast here and I'm really glad you do it. Big thank & super excited for 2022 🥰

Sen Trillion

I like the sound of these changes, polls were crazy overcrowded and I think your hand in choosing what we vote for will really help balance things out. Thanks for giving us another great year of content Jam and i hope you had a great year and a better one coming up!


You've been nothing but an absolute saint in 2021. You are an incredibly kind and humble soul and seeing you improve throughout the year through every piece has been an absolute treat my guy! (That image from May still sends me reeling) All of these changes sound completely reasonable and I sincerely look forward to the future my dude. You deserve the success


Don’t worry Jam any improvement to polls is welcome. You’re work is always great regardless.


Sounds good to me. Is it going to be broken up the same way, i.e. one month it's full body, one month gag sequence, etc.?


Happy New Year Jam! I like the sound of this poll change, it seems like a good way to really spice up the choices in the polls so it’s not just the same faces every time. Looking forward to another great year from you!


That might be for the best. 70 plus damsels up for voting *sounds* good on paper, but the reality is that 90% of them are doomed from the get go. A more curated list would be for the best.


Hmm... Probably! Maybe every once in a while I'll break it up with other themes.


For sure! I try to be open-minded since winners do surprise me sometimes, but there are still so many picks where I'm just like....... c'mon dude


Thank you for everything you do for us Jam, we love you right back! It's okay for you to share your "weird" stuff with us, we love it hehe >:3c


all these sound like solid changes. thanks for the update. now i just have to sit back and cross my fingers that we see more of April, Celine, and Nozomi this year


I’m loving the sound of these changes, Jam! I just hope that with polls, your own original characters / your sona will still have a chance to be in the polls. Sure, fanart is great, but I like your OCs most of all!


Cheers Jam 🥂. Here’s to a great new year


Happy New Years~!! Can’t wait to see what 2022 brings


A poll rework is honestly what I’ve been hoping for, even if it means it’s less likely that the girls I suggest get picked as an option. Ultimately this be your page, so what makes it better for you is what should be done imo. Im sorry for all the stress these polls have generated for you, though.


I am glad! The polls really have been overloaded and it feels like there is like a set certain damsels who win.

Mr. Dojima

This is a great choice for the polls moving forwards. Should mean that recurring high voters who miss out like Purple Haired Mistress get a shot alongside new ones. Between this and the ban on 3 times winners should add more structure to the polls now.


Love your selections for the 2021 recap! The May sequence of Jam getting hand-gagged, kidnapped, and enslaved was maybe my fav thing you did this year. Rose and Kinky Witch were my favorite gag sequences, the Mercedes and Cynthia mid-gagging shots were so awesome, and I’m really excited about the new gyaru girl from December! That sounds like a good fix for polls. I’ve long thought that the sheer number of voters and options helps the OCs win so often bc at the end of the day the biggest commonality between the many subscribers of your Patreon is their interest in your work/characters. Splitting up OCs into their own poll could be a good idea. The Second Chance polls have gone great so building the rest of the polls off that model seems smart!


Can we ever see more of the fitness mommy? 🤤


That's April, I've drawn her a bunch of times! Most recent was here I think: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bdx71x3pp9brmhw/AACgm9sCoV3VEzMsXtn4rht2a?dl=0