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Winner of our most recent Second Chance Poll! 🥳

Comment below with your suggestions for poses, ties, gags, outfits or anything else you might like to see. Of course, I can't incorporate every suggestion, but I'll do my best to ensure your ideas help shape the final pic!



Shut up jam!


Barefoot and the black symbiote web, it will looks so cool. Example 1 https://sta.sh/01npeaz7e0tz Example 2 https://sta.sh/029ljxytc83v


could we get a hogtied pose maybe?


always like seeing your frogtie pose. As always, Futa


Would love to see her suspended upside down by her ankles, don’t think you’ve done upside down stuff before so it’d be something new and I bet it’d look great in your style! And of course gonna suggest futa alts, and also feel like I have to suggest webs for bindings


Maybe she's gagged and then has her mask over it all


A hogtie similar to your Spider-Gwen pic would be cool. Same with having a huge gag.


Definitely webs for ties/gag and (upside down?) suspension for the pose. Like someone suggested, venom webs would be cool alternatives for the tie and some cloth gags for gag alts of course. Also shut your BIG FAT BIMBO MOUTH Jam!


Is this one full body? Wouldn't be mad about a toe-tie if you can work it in 😏 Web-gag (wrap or tape style) would also be great!


Definitely barefoot with colored toenail polish.


Agree with the suggestion for mask over the gags but there should also be a bunch with the mask under the gags. And one of the gags should look like someone just shot a blob of spider silk over her mouth.


Perhaps one of the variants could be her mummified with webs? Like with her mumifed all the way up to where it gags her but than leaves the top half of her head/face open.

Sen Trillion

Awww man, my email had Jam is gagged but I missed it :(


I’m thinking something humiliating written on one of the layers would be rather fitting. Of course, it’s likely it would get covered up by another layer…but we’ll all know it’s there…


What happened to the Jam is gagged tab?


Upside down or maybe caught in a spider web, and how about a jam is gagged variant

brock jax

Maybe a jam cosplay variant


Would love to see a sequence or variants where her mask is pulled down, mouth stuffed, mouth wrapped, and mask reapplied to cover it all!