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Hey all! Just wanted to let you know that two new extra reward tiers have just been added. Woohoo! 🥳

First up:

$18 - GAGGED! 

So Jam, what do we get for joining this fancy new tier?

First: Suggestion threads! A few days before I start drawing each Poll Winner or Monthly Bonus, a separate thread will go up where you can help decide what the pic will look like by suggesting poses, bondage ideas, or other things you'd like to see. During months when I can't decide on a character for the Bonus, I might also let patrons in this tier vote for one from a pool of two or three candidates. A suggestion thread for the most recent Poll Winner (Shizuka Marikawa) is already up and can be found here. 

Second: Early linearts and flats! You'll get to see what I'm drawing next before anyone else. A thread with lines and flats for Busty Big Sis and the two recent Dragonmaid pics can be found here, but in the future these will be posted as I'm working on them, before the completed works.

Third: Request variants! That could mean gags, anatomy changes, or whatever else you can think of. I might have to decline your request if it would force me to to redraw huge portions of the pic (such as an elaborate costume change), but I'll do my best to fulfill whatever you throw at me. If you're unsure, ask!

Click here to upgrade to this tier!

Next we've got:

$25 - VIP 

Whoa! What do I get?

First: You'll get everything. That includes Jamsels in Distress 1-4, Bondage Lily 2, and all 8 of the old Fanart Packs. (By contrast, $10 patrons only get everything from 2018 on.)

Second, and more importantly: You'll be a playtester for Bondage Lily 3! Play early test builds and get directly involved in the development process by suggesting features and providing important feedback. Of course, you'll also get the full game for free on release, and I'll add your name or handle to the credits if you like.

Third, and perhaps most important of all: You are cool 😎

OMG! Bondage Lily 3!?

Yes! OMG! It's happening! Bondage Lily 3 will be a kinky interactive game in which you tie up, gag, and play with a customizable sub character drawn by me. Check out this page for Bondage Lily 2 to get an idea of what to expect. BL3 will be like that, but bigger, better, and more polished!

BL3 will be developed in GMS2. I picked GMS2 because I have some experience programming in GML—BL1 was created in GM, and I've worked on a small handful of GMS hobbyist games and developer assets under a pseudonym since then—and I've got some resources sitting around that could help get things going more quickly. (BL2 was made in Construct 2.)

Note that most of what VIPs get will be test builds, not demos. We'll mainly just be trying different things out and making sure nothing explodes. A fleshed-out demo will be made available to all $10-and-up patrons later in development, then to everyone on release. Also, this will be Windows-only. If there's enough time and demand for it, I might add Mac and/or mobile support later, but for now I don't plan to.

For these reasons, I'd like to ask that you only join the VIP tier if you really want to play an active role in the project, have a PC, and can be available to give helpful feedback. If you just wanna quietly scoop up the rewards and mess around with the test builds without communicating with me at all, I might have to boot you out of your slot to make room for someone else.

So when's the game coming out?

My timeline for the project is six months, with the first (bare bones) playable build available to test a few weeks after the starting gun. The plan is to put together the core of the game first (click and drag items to tie up and gag your character), then add as many extra features as time permits. Ideally I'd like to have more than one pose this time, and lots of customization options (hair style and color, clothes, skin tone, anatomy?).

Why six months? Isn't that kind of long? 

On the one hand, if I remember correctly, BL2 took about a month altogether from the time I started drawing to when I posted the finished game on DA, and BL3 shouldn't be super different. I also have much more programming experience today, so some steps should move along quicker now that I'm not just haphazardly teaching myself everything on the fly.

However, with Patreon rewards and grown-up responsibilities piling up in the intervening years, I've got significantly less free time to devote to development now than I did back then. From what I remember, the final two weeks of BL2 were basically eat, sleep, work on BL2. That's not an option for me anymore. And like most people, I have an annoying habit of badly underestimating the time it takes to finish projects, so I'm trying my best to account for that ahead of time.

If it ends up taking less than six months, yay! All the better! But I'd really prefer to set a distant deadline and take all the time needed to make sure the game is good, rather than set a shorter deadline and risk not meeting it or rushing out a sloppy product.

Wait, we haven't actually hit the $9k goal yet! What happens if I join the VIP tier and we don't get there?

We've come really, really close for the past three months in a row - peaking at over 8.9 - so I feel very confident that adding the new tiers will be more than enough to finally punch through to $9k. Still, if we somehow don't manage to get there by the end of September, I'll draw a gag bust of a character of your choice. Between that and all the other rewards, that seems like a really good deal to me!

(And TBH, we've come close enough that I think we can just push on with the game regardless. But shhhhhh, let's pretend for now. 🤫)

What happens to the VIP tier once the game is finished?

I have some ideas, but I'm not sure yet and totally open to suggestions. What's something that you'd like to see as a reward? Let me know!

This tier has a max of 12 people, so if you're thinking of joining, don't wait to reserve your spot. (Edit: Someone already took one. Wow that was fast!)

Edit 2: Only 3 left!! Ahhhh!!!

Edit 3: That's it, they're all taken. Holy moly! Thanks so much, everyone!

Don't be too shy to ask me if you've got any questions. My inbox is always open!

PS - Hi-res versions of the tier thumbnail images (the little gagged headshots) can be found in the attached .zip file below, along with versions without the label text.

Thanks as always, everyone. ✌️



Just bumped up to vip status! I’ll see you in the big leagues jam!


as a minor note, being a nigh-unto-complete dom, I've always found the sub-themed tiering to be a bit dissonant


Awesome! I can't believe how fast these slots are filling up. Thank you again so so much!


Jumped onto VIP the moment I saw this !!! Excited for BL3


Am VIP now


Gagged tier, happy to be here 😎 (Wow, what a lame rhyme. Maybe I need to shut up... 🤐😷😍)


*reads BL3* Meh wasn't a fan of Borderlands 3. *actually reads it* Oh shit! Best news all week!!


If mine says 108/a year what tier does that put me in???


Of all times! I just lost a looooooot of money in rl purchases.


GAGGED tier? Sounds like a great idea! um...mmnph


Woohoo I’m so excited! Unfortunately I have a Mac lol so I really hope there’s enough demand for a Mac version🤞


Oof I looked away for a moment and missed the chance to join VIP, would’ve loved that request gag bust lol Oh well at least the gagged tier sounds super tempting 👀

Sen Trillion

Just joined the gagged tier, happy to support you further! Also as a side note, I really hope I didn't bother you DM wise 😥


Hey, no worries! At the rate we're going, the gag busts probably aren't happening anyway - We're gonna smash through $9k way faster than I thought.


Oh no not at all! I just don't always get the chance to respond right away. And like I said in my message - thanks so much for being one of the first in the new tier!


Oh wow yeah I didn’t check how close it was, well I’m super excited about the gagged tier, I’ve often had a lot of good gag or pose ideas in mind for poll winners~


Hey now hold on i thought there was a similar sort of benefit for the annual payment option. Am I missing something here, are those still receiving any benefits, or is that changed?


People who pledge annually at the $10 tier get JID 1-4 and BL2. People pledged at the VIP tier get those plus all the old Fanart Packs and the BL3 stuff!

Trevor Bond

If I had the money....!


woah! Jam poppin' off! :O


I have three kids and no money. Why can't I have no kids and three money? (Thanks so much for being here regardless!)


Only 12 VIP spots? :( Take my moni


Wake up to see the new slots announced and they're gone - hopefully more slots open up as testing progresses, but upgraded to the other new tier to show support <3 Excited to see the new game come together!


This is extremely good news.

Elliot Frost

Saving for this 🥰