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Tohru and Ilulu from Dragon Maid. Another two-for-oney! Hope it makes up for this month having been a little bit slower than usual.

The fourth and fifth images are from back in 2017 when the first season aired. Feels like ages ago!

I've been working on this concurrently with the Mrs. Incredible sequence (August Winner 1). That one is almost finished and should be up sometime midday tomorrow.

Edit: By request, added futa variants and biiiiiiig thick clothgags. 😷




huh I was just on your twitter randomly and you post the second I look at it, anyways they look great! Good job as always dude!


I was wondering if you were ever going to draw Tohru again! And I am thankful that you have.


Aww they look so cute, I love poses that have girls squishing their boobs up against each other. Awesome start to the month Jam!


I swear the Dragon Maid girls were made for your style, they look so lovely~ And there’s just too much to love about this pic, love how their chests look being pressed up against each other from their bindings, love the side profile of the reverse prayer tie, and really like the alt where the stuffing for their gags is a bit bigger~

Sen Trillion

This is wonderful I'm always happy to see you draw characters from this series!

Trevor Bond

I haven't seen the series but I have to admit the characters work well for your style, and from what I've seen these are the kind of hijinks they may get up to somehow, sometime!


This screams for a futa variant lol. I love this.


Lol uploaded on the same day as the new episode. Nice timing.


Talk about a face-off! XD I can imagine a Jammified version of this, If you know what I mean~ ;)


Futa alt with their dicks taped together 👀

Jack Reacher

Two curvy and adorable dragon ladies squished and bound together. Oh, what a lovely sight


Looks fantastic Jam! Love the look of them taped together while they are facing each other! Also love the way their boobs press together! Love how this months and last months bonus pics have been abit more unique and experimental.


Thanks so much for drawing Ilulu! Tohru is lovely as always too, but shortstacks give me liiiiiife.


Looks great, but do you think you could add an OTN variant too?


Ahhhh the Dragon Maid girls don't get tied up NEARLY often enough, and they look absolutely perfect in your style. Instant favorite!


Yessss I started out with a different pose that showed off her proportions more and I really wanna go back to it.


The futa alt makes them being squished together at least 10 times hotter, and gotta love those thick gags~ (especially love that Ilulu’s gag trapped some of her hair underneath)


Just noticed that Tohru beats out Ilulu in the futa alt, absolutely love that touch! Looks like they’re 1 to 1 in the size comparison game~

Sen Trillion

Ayeee! I love it so much when you add futa variants! Thank you so much you are too kind for this world.