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Six characters from the May and June polls are back for another round! Looks like we've got a red-and-black theme going this time. You can only choose one, so pick wisely!

And a bit of news: As of this post, the Second Chance Poll will replace one of the two standard polls every other month. In other words, the schedule now looks like this:

July Poll 1: Second Chance
July Poll 2: Full-Body
Aug Poll 1: Gag Sequence
Aug Poll 2: Full-Body
Sep Poll 1: Second Chance
Sep Poll 2: Gag Sequence

...And so on.

The main reason for this change is that juggling polls, bonus pics, non-exclusives, advertising and other obligations every month while also keeping up with $10 rewards and real-life responsibilities is a bit too much for me right now. The constant pressure is affecting my ability to fulfill my obligation to $10 patrons and (IMO) negatively impacting the quality of what works I do produce.

Moreover, we're getting close to the new stretch goal - likely hitting it either this month or the next - which means game development starts soon. That's very exciting! However, making even a simple game like Bondage Lily is a ton of work and I don't want it taking forever. Depending on how things go, I might need to temporarily pare back the polls even more, but we'll see what shakes out.

Second Chance Polls are super fun and I want to keep doing them, but I can't do them *and* everything else, so this was the solution I came up with for now. I hope this is okay! As always, you're welcome to hit me anytime with questions, suggestions or other feedback.

Thanks all. ✌️



Velvet Crowe's been in this so many times but never gotten through I feel like I HAVE to vote for her


Come on Velvet Crowe!


Hoping for Chichi the og DB milf needs some spotlight


I mean I don’t care which poll takes over what bc I know I’ll get good content no matter the character. Also let’s go Mitsuru!


Maybe we should add YOU to it Jam. After all, we’ll never turn down chance to SHUT. YOU. UP.


Totally understandable, I was wondering how you were keeping up with everything. Regardless, I don't mind and I don't think anyone else will. You've been putting out great content, don't worry too much! ✊🏼 Also voting for Velvet! Let's go!!


New poll schedule sounds like a good plan Jam! The polls are great but I bet just running them can be more time-consuming than one might think. Fwiw, no quality complaints to be had over here 😃


Voting for Velvet since it's been since I joined that she's always been in the polls. She deserves it at this point.


Well, I'm not eligible for the poll, but... Mff... Whenever someone talks about shutting me up, I just can't resist. Looks like I'll be spending the next couple of hours with a big fat gag in my mouth... 😷


Velvet all the way. I can’t say no to my favorite video game character of all time. As far as polls and rewards go, if you feel you need to take a break I encourage you to do so. I know of plenty artists who are so far behind on the patron monthly rewards that they’re still on last year. I don’t want that to happen to you, or anyone.


OMFG a year behind? I'd die. That's absolutely unacceptable. I know subscribing on Patreon isn't like going into a store and buying potatoes, but as far as I'm concerned you guys are paying me to provide a service. You deserve to get what you pay for. If I can't keep up, then it's on me to at least provide an explanation. Any less than that is just disrespectful. Anyway, I'm okay! No need for a break. Just need to dial back the $3 stuff slightly for now so I can keep up with everything else. Thank you for the encouragement.


I dunno who Velvet Crowe even is, but she's been on there for so long she needs a vote.


Hoping Velvet Crowe can join Primrose in finally getting her chance!


Come on ChiChi!!


Velvet Crowe is the main character in Tales of Berseria. Imagine a Gothic/Savage looking woman with a Demonic looking arm


On a side note I think you do a pretty good job at choosing who to put on these polls, these last two have been super close!

Huxy Hvuh

How is chichi this high?


She's a cute character from one of the most popular anime series of all time?


Oh No its neck and neck There’s gonna be a TIE *ba dum ts*


Oh jeez I didn’t actually mean for it to end like oh gosh oh no-


So uh…Don’t mean to keep posting on this post but who’s the winner here? Will there be a tiebreaker or will it be both?


The winner is Velvet - she managed to squeak out a win with just 3 more votes than Chi-Chi.