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Zoe's back and ready to take care of those chores! See? Not so lazy after all. 😉

Thanks for being patient during the recent lull in content. Gonna pick up the pace this week.




I like the hair change XD. She looked like a totally different person for a second.


"Oh and one more thing, Zoe: make sure you have fun while doing all this. Otherwise, what's the point?" Glad to see more stuff from ya, your artistic wizardry is worth the wait. Just don't put yourself under too much pressure! How've ya been? Digging the maid outfit/bikini combo, by the way...an opinion that also seems to be shared by Zoe herself. While she may not be able to accomplish all those listed chores by herself in such a secure arrangement of ropes, she certainly looks ready to give it her all!


Everything's cool, mostly just some personal obligations cutting into my time and making it hard to focus lately. Right now I'm both A) planning my wedding and B) going through court to take over guardianship of my brother, so things are a little bit stressful atm. Fiancee's parents also just came up to visit, which wiped another few days off the schedule. 🤦 It's all good though. I won't lie, I'm feeling some stress lately, but I don't want to make excuses. I'll make sure you guys get the content you paid for, so no worries.


No worries Jammy, keep up the great work ;)


Oh, a crotch rope and chest harness. Delicious! >:D


Lol she’s gonna have a real hard time doing some of those tied up like that


Well worth the wait! She looks incredible in uniform — and so happy too!


What a kinky Girl ;D!