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Post your character suggestions for the next poll here! You may suggest as many characters as you like, but I won't pick more than one per person. No OCs, please.

The winner of this poll will get a full-body pic. The poll will go up on Monday, April 22.

Remember: You can list as many characters as you want! The more the better. If you feel like your favorite might be a long shot, include some backup choices.

⚠️ NOTE: If you're a regular contributor to these threads, I recommend keeping a list of your most-wanted characters in a Google Doc or Paste and linking to it.

A list of all previous poll winners can be found here.

Thanks so much! 🙏



Yukari Takeba (persona 3) Asuka kazama (Tekken 8) Yuri Tamura (WataMote) Juvia Lockser (FairyTail) Roll Casket (Megaman legends) Rukia (bleach)


Empowered (Empowered) Cyber Six (Cyber Six) Zatanna (DC Comics)