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The 90's kick continues! Should I do the pseudo-anime-screencap style again, like with Bulma? Either way, let me know what you'd like to see!

I'm going to start this one on Friday, so get your suggestions in by then. In the meantime, I'll be working on Tanith!


Zyrokiss Arts

I would certainly love to see the stylized version again! And to be honest the only request and or idea I would have would be some upskirt… cuz why not?


The anime-screencap style looked amazing and would love to see that again! Scenario-wise, there are days where she's had too much to drink and has a messy apartment - so I imagine Shinji, Asuka, or Ritsuko heavily gagging her so they can focus on their work. She'll be wearing her usual tank top and short shorts at home. Maybe the bindings cause her clothes to tugged, teasing the lingerie underneath Gagged with her own purple/black panties, brown/duct tape wrap, OTM, and OTN gag!