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hey everyone! happy new year (the last day you are legally permitted to say such a thing) 

What a fun show. great to have Bobcat finally stop in. Wow, he was funny, open, honest and full of great stories. wow it was a blast. 

before i continue let me make you aware that Charlie is now deciding which letter to start each sentence with.  so, it will be a bit challenging to me to express exactly what i want to talk about but i'll try. as you can imagine, I am a bit frustrated but also don't want to discourage him from having an interest in writing. i am doing my best. this is an interesting experiment in sentence construction, and will be trying to make something substantial develop soon. what can I do, but let him experience curiosity? but i can't imagine it's particularly interesting to read. artful writing is something i strive for but don't always achieve as I try to keep these posts casual. however, this post is turning out to be something a little different. from the beginning of the paragraph it's been a challenge to make something substantial from the letter he chooses but I think I may be failing. yet, I think he is growing tired of the game and wants to go to the mall. as you might expect, I'm eager for him to wrap this up as well and perhaps it's better if I write something more substantial later on, or tomorrow. i appreciate you giving me this time to engage in some learning time with Charlie and I hope you have a great rest of the day.

P&L, Tim 



This is P for Put On


You would think a place called dynasty typewriter would have a stenographer. It was all belly laughs, but I love the guitar riffing you and Fred did on genres and artists. You’re the Talented 2.