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What a show! The legend Jan Terri! Her Losing You video was a big inspiration for us back in the Awesome Show days - maybe it was Doug who turned us on it?  It led directly to "Come Over" - Ruth Carr! she was always so fun to work with. Those song/videos were always special - I'd write the song and Eric would shoot it on a crappy Hi-8 camera.  On Come Over, I think I recorded the whole song myself but it sounds like on the follow up "I Can Wait" Davin must have produced it, with those fantastic horn arrangements.  We returned for the 10th Anniversary with one of my favorite songs of the catalogue "Spaghetti Again"  

Yikes, Jan and her dog has some touchy political opinions. I probably should have expected it. I didn't want to make things too uncomfortable for Jan. What's the point?  I think it was fair to push back a little bit though. I don't have much patience for it. We don't always need to be polite around our weird aunts and uncles - fair to be respectful but always feel free to call the crap out when someone says something dicey... casual anti-semitism leads to nothing but trouble. 

How about those Phils! What a game! Really one of the best World Series games I've ever seen. Of course you know I have deep love and a long history with the Phils.  But since settling in LA, I've adopted my Dodgers and it's been a fun team to root for. This year they famously shit the bed in HISTORIC fashion, so I'm happy to be back rooting for the Phils, against an easy to HATE Astros - the cheating, the Ted Cruziness of it all...  Why are people confused by my support for the Phils? Tweeting last night, I saw people saying "but don't you like the Dodgers?" how dim are you? I love baseball! What am I gonna do? Boycott the World Series because my team isn't in it? what's fun about that?  Can't you have more than one team? Boy, twitter eh? 

Why would I quit twitter? It's gonna be fun to be on the ship while it goes down, no?  It seems impossible for that little squirmy weirdo (Mister Musk) to turn that mess into a successful company, so let's all hang out and watch it burn to the ground!  Plus it's still great for shit like this which inspired a great thread of similar artistic leaps and bounds that folks were happy to enlighten me with.  I contend the artistic growth of The Beatles from 63-66 is unmatched but there are sure are a lot of great contenders listed in the thread and it's a great organic tool to check out some music I may have missed or forgotten about! I'm all for THAT kinda discourse. 

Halloween - feels like it's been going on forever this year - our kids have had Halloween fever since Labor Day - and several Halloween themed events have already transpired. We have this little goblin or something that sits outside our house that triggers some kind of lame joke every time you pass by it, and I'm just about ready to throw it in the street. Charlie's got a bad cold which may take him out of the final run of Halloween festivities. Hoping he rallies for the big night on Monday.  Poor Charlie.  For those who celebrate, enjoy the Halloween weekend - I hope you get a fair amount of snickers and twix. 

I can't imagine a soul reading this who doesn't know On Cinema is back but just in case, Season 13 is here! Episode One has no paywall, so you can enjoy without becoming a member, but of course I HIGHLY suggest you sign up and get Hei. Gonna be a wild season, I can say no more. 

Peace and Love! T 



doug having the yoda mask on the whole time with yoda drops was an absolute delight

