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Good morning everyone!  Controversy certainly creates conversation!  Yes, the Chapo boys brought the heat as they do, and hey listen, I thought it was ok, a spirited debate about power and change and Christman taking a macro view of things, in an honest, albeit depressing way about the future.  I like Matt and Will, but I don't listen to their show on a regular basis, and so I can't really comment on EVERYTHING they say or believe and I'm sure I would disagree with a lot of it if I did! 

In the short term, in real terms,  I do believe that progressive policies and engaging in progressive politics can do real good and help real people - from reproductive rights, racial equity, more responsible economic regulation you name it, a functioning government that has its citizens welfare in mind can and should lead to safer, happier lives.   I hope we don't become too cynical where we feel it's no longer worth engaging. It would have been fun to break Biden's decriminalization of weed on the air and get Matt to comment on THAT! haha.  

In the broader view however, is the Democratic Party riddled with the addiction to power and self interest? of course.  In many ways are they playing the same game the right is playing? using fear as a distraction from the bigger issues? yes.  It reminds me of the central argument made in Adam Curtis's Hypernormalization: we have created a civilization using systems and technology so complicated that no one knows how they really work, no one has real control over them so those in power have created an alternate reality of distraction and confusion from the core problems, chiefly to maintain power for their own personal short term gain.  The problems are so big (chief among them,  climate change which is deeply tied into food supply, energy, water access, you name it...) that it's just much easier to shift the debate to whether Velma is gay.   You get it. 


Big news coming this week, which you get to hear first: On Cinema Season 13 is coming later this month! And on Wednesday we're releasing a half hour DEBATE between Tim and Gregg, moderated by Joe Estevez: "Deck of Cards: What Went Wrong." I can tell you this is VINTAGE On Cinema folks. tune in and make sure you're all square with HEI NETWORK  

As always: Peace AND LOVE (get well soon Ringo!) 


Alex Hannah

lets all just agree to vote for the democrats, then we can shit on them and continue to criticize them because thats our right. after the republicans lose another presidential election, they will be less of a problem. stick it out. ignore all national news.


I’m a patron now. Part of the group. Finally I’m one of the gang.