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The following day, Zhao Wei got some good news.

Hai Yun truly didn't disappoint him and the Vice Head of the Grass-Wood Division had acquiesced to my greedy manipulation, albeit indirectly.

Hai Yun had served his role as the middleman so perfectly.

That morning Zhao Wei went through his usual morning routine, put on saintly snow-white robes, and happily rushed out of his residence.

He carried himself with dignity and elegance. The people who looked at him thought he was a well-mannered, knowledgeable scholar descending down the mountain to enlighten the illiterate and frogs camping in the well.

He looked kind and polite from the way he was greeting people left and right without bias. The aura of amiability around him had intensified.

He seemed to be in high spirits which also easily diffused to those he greeted.

Truthfully, Zhao Wei was just putting up a convenient false image.

“That handsome junior brother seems to be in a good mood.” A pink-haired pretty woman with curvy, child-bearing hips, that filled one with intrusive thoughts, giggled.

She seemed to be in her early twenties as seen by the air of maturity surrounding her distracting figure.

“I just wish I could gobble him up and have him call me mommy!”

“Eew, haven't you heard that he's only around 14 to 15 years old? Aren't you afraid the Discipline and Regulations Division would come for you?” A petite blonde with twin pigtails cringed in repulsion as she admonished her friend for harboring illicit and paedophilic thoughts.

“Tsk tsk, with such a delicious, perfectly sculpted divine figure that even puts older males in the dust, do you think I will care if he's 14? That junior brother can easily fill me up with generational seeds and impregnate me in one shot!” The pink-haired beauty exaggeratedly breathed heavily, her D-Cups rising and falling like tides on her chest.

She couldn't even prevent the drool from escaping her mouth and dreamy heart-shaped pupils.

“Mo Yan, you are truly an irredeemable, perverted, paedophilic, demoness of all creeps!” Yaya, the petite blonde with twin pigtails, chastised her friend before fisting her head.

“Ouch! Ouch! Why did you have to do that, you smelly brat?!” Mo Yan cried in pain and frowned heavily while rubbing at the bumpy swelling on her forehead.

“Can't I just express my love and lust in peace without thinking about consequences?” Mo Yan grumbled and pouted like a stubborn child.

“Says the one who likes 14-year-olds. If I hadn't been your best friend for years, then all the young fresh boys out there would have fallen into your predatory trap. Then, they wouldn't have their normal lives after that!” Yaya furiously pointed a finger at her without care.

Mo Yan visibly cowered under Yaya's tyranny and strictness even though she was stronger than her in terms of cultivation base.

Mo Yan was the 3rd Sky of the Ascended Realm while Yaya was at the Peak of the 2nd Sky.

“That junior brother is no slouch. He can surely violate my rights and use me however he wishes!” An attractive, effeminate young man in his mid-twenties that was standing close to the two, languidly fluttered his fake long eyelashes.

Luckily, his voice was only heard by the two.

Both Mo Yan and Yaya stopped whatever they were doing, and looked at each other in shock before staring daggers at the girly young man.

‘Damn, how can his nails be manicured better than even mine?’ Mo Yan cursed inwardly with slight jealousy.

The girly young man felt terrified when he was under the intense gaze of those two.

He suddenly felt a little lamb in front of a pack of wolves.

He suddenly regretted speaking nonsense.

Mo Yan gave Yaya a meaningful side glance.

Yaya returned the same look.

It was a secret communication - their own morse code.

“Hey buddy, do you know the way to the Hall of Regulations Division? Additionally, are you acquainted with the elder of disciplinary?” Mo Yan's voice was low and threatening and full of extortion vibes. There was no mistaking.

“Daoist friend, we are short on substandard crystals. I am afraid my mouth may slip something unforeseeable!” Yaya upped the tempo.

That young man became extremely terrified.

“I-I don't h-”

“You have!”

The effeminate ceased any resistance and was trapped in a web of extortion due to showing weakness - something that the two ladies knew how to exploit.

After all, it was their first day on the job.


“This world is truly full of life and drama. Can't those side characters be any more inconspicuous?” Zhao Wei, with his omnidirectional senses, witnessed everything even though he was miles away.

He cursed at his own senses and curiosity.

“A minor? I am being treated as a minor? Is that a win or a loss? How silly of me!” Zhao Wei laughed internally.

Those three NPCs were lucky that he was impervious to verbal sexual innuendos and he wasn't going to waste his time bitching about how he was harassed.

It sounded funny when such thoughts stemmed from him.

He couldn't imagine himself suing the hell out of that woman and young man in front of the Disciplinary Hall.

“But if it had been a literal assault through kidnapping or such line of actions, then I don't think there would have been any problems with me playing the homicidal persona.”

After passing several mountains, Zhao Wei could finally see the utopia of Alchemy.

The Grass-Wood Division seemed to be in a world of its own - a botanical world.

The scent of different herbal plants of different origins and characteristics assaulted Zhao Wei's nose like a punch.

The fields of medicinal herbs stretched far and wide, as if with no end.

Of all the places that Zhao Wei had visited so far, the Grass-Wood Division seemed to be the richest in terms of spiritual energy.

The growth of medicinal herbs should be done in their most optimal environment with favorable conditions.

Zhao Wei passed by a couple of outer disciples who were taking care of the herbs and dedication.

They must have been guided on how to nurture and care for the growing herbs, Zhao Wei noted as he followed a path that led to the center of the mountainous region where the Alchemy Hall was located.

I was instructed to go directly to Elder Guan's place of operations without meandering to other places, Zhao Wei was a little bit giddy if he had to be honest with himself.

Standing before a huge ancient gate engraved with mysterious drawings of cauldrons, Zhao Wei looked so small.

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Wei reeled in his emotions before announcing his presence.



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