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It was noon and the silhouette of the sun could barely be made out in the sky as it remained hidden by gloomy clouds.

Zhao Wei took in a deep breath before gently exhaling.

Golden specks of sun energy continuously washed over his figure like a waterfall and a barely visible halo of sunlight formed behind his back like an eternal sun wheel.

The pores on his body absorbed the essence of the sun, before being guided into his internal system.

Zhao Wei was constantly refining his blood vessels, vital organs, meridians, acupoints, bones, skin, and even his marrows.

His face remained calm and collected despite the pain of body cultivation. He understood pain and had long embraced it. Zhao Wei's pain resistance was at the highest levels and he was by no means masochistic.

Anyway, this kind of extreme body cultivation was rare and thorough as Zhao Wei was just repeating cycles of refinement.

The numbers of the illusory stars were also steadily increasing so fast since it was noon.

The pure celestial inner strength within his body churned violently as if it were being controlled by a mysterious law.

Zhao Wei was finalizing the First Chapter of the «Primordial Stellar Energy Body Refining Arts» and as it neared its completion, the conversion of his inner strength into a much stronger form of energy began.

Zhao Wei had been harboring thoughts of forming his True Force, first through his body.

Apart from the original protagonist Zhao Feng, Zhao Wei wondered if there had been individuals who tried to enter the Ascended Realm through their physical strength.

The history of martial arts was extremely long and Zhao Wei thought that the probability of some individuals trying to achieve what he was trying wasn't low.

The river of time would never lack innovators and geniuses of different magnitudes. As such, Zhao Wei didn't put himself on a high pedestal.

He just acknowledged the fact that the new generation would always surpass the old as the world of cultivation continued to evolve in terms of talent, techniques, and completely new paths.

“I have an ordinary human bloodline so I have to grind my body cultivation to monstrous levels.” Zhao Wei talked to himself as time continued to fly.

Five hours later, a transcendent force of holiness permeated every inch of Zhao Wei's flesh and with every breath that he took, it was closely reminiscent of a terrifying sleeping primordial beast.

His breath alone could truly decimate anyone in the Consolidated Realm into a skeletal mess without even trying!

Rune-like characters(Sanskrit) began slithering around his body and it made him look ancient and enigmatic.

Various changes were happening all over his physique, transforming him into an Ascended Being.

850 million illusory stars… 900 million illusory stars… 950 illusory stars… 960… 970… 980… 990… 999 million illusory stars.

1 billion illusory stars!


Zhao Wei felt as if a supernova explosion occurred inside his body.

He could literally feel his cells swimming in joy within his blood as they combusted and reformed into new versions.

With this cycle of destruction and reconstruction, his physical body was also affected.

Zhao Wei couldn't have foreseen such abstract changes but through his mental calculations and intuition, he knew that his life wasn't going to be in grave danger.

What terrified him was when his body began to turn illusory similar to the stars within his cells.

'Am I also an illusion? Am I not real?’ Several doubts and worries crowded his agitated mind.

'No, I shouldn't panic. I should totally be calm.’ Zhao Wei reminded himself as he used his consciousness to observe all the micro changes happening both in his internal and external body.

“If you can't tell the difference between reality and illusion, you will be trapped in the illusion for all eternity. What is an illusion? What is reality?” Zhao Wei immersed himself in that ethereal feeling.

Illusion Dao was an illusive path and Zhao Wei was just opening the gates leading to such a path.

His body was experiencing a second transformation as if it was remodeling itself into an independent law.

Was there really an existing law in the history of the Fan Universe that was related to the ways of body tempering?

With Zhao Wei's comprehension, he noted down this mystery. It was profound and he couldn't fully grasp what was happening as it involved the connection between the human body and the universe.

It was such an esoteric concept for the current him.

One hour later, the second metamorphosis of his body stopped and Zhao Wei opened his eyes. They were still silver in color with tints of gold like the sun.

The change wasn't easily noticeable and it didn't make him stand out like a freak.

Zhao Wei could sense the terrifying True Force flowing throughout his muscles like an endless torrent.

He felt like he could effortlessly leap 100 meters off the ground if he wished.

With the knowledge that he currently had and his understanding of acupoints and the Ascended Realm, Zhao Wei had been inspired to experiment on the impossible.


Who said that only True Spirit Realm experts could fly for longer periods?

Ascended Realm experts could also fight in the air for brief periods but Zhao Wei wanted to break those conventions.

“The acupoints located on my feet…’’ Zhao Wei muttered lightly.

“What if I cut off the energy output on the Yongquan acupoint on the sole of my feet and then release it all of a sudden in large quantities? Wouldn't achieving aerial maneuverability be plausible?”

“I need to test it to be more sure.”

Zhao Wei looked at his feet with a crazy smile on his face.

“Time to go on a ride.”

Zhao Wei concentrated a huge amount of true force into the Yongquan acupoint before exploding it all of a sudden.

The resultant propulsion pushed Zhao Wei off the ground and he was mercilessly hurled into the air.

“Oh shit!” Curses sprang out of his mouth as he found his butt high up in the sky.

It was a terrifying experience as Zhao Wei felt his world go round and round.

If he couldn't control his flight, he was surely going to break many bones and severely injure his internal organs.

Zhao Wei could already visualize his future as the freefall began.

“I am… Dead!” The pull of gravity clutched onto his helpless form with all its might.

Zhao Wei was in a crisis and needed to think of ways to save himself from injuries.

Time was ticking.

These were the times that Zhao Wei wished that he was an undead like Andy to indulge in such recklessness!



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