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After humbling Big G, I thought it would be a good idea to also deprive him of his home.

Why not?

I wasn't being unnecessarily petty, I guess.

Just take it as a spoil of my victory over his thick ass.

It was high time Godzilla became a wanderer and experienced the feeling of missing his home.

Welp, I am not trying to voice over Kaedehara or anything.

Definitely petty.

As I lazily swam toward a deeper vein of the earth, thick waves of radiation hit my senses from miles away.

It wasn't super concentrated or anything along the lines. It was just… comfortable.

Let's rewind my thinking, to like seconds ago, yeah.

I was comparing Godzilla's sweet taste of defeat and dejectedness to Kaedehara Kazuha's wandering voice lines, something like that, right?

Well, it seems there is a high probability of my adventurous ass landing in Teyvat.

I wanted to go there. It was a necessity. A want.

But I knew the chances were low.

“Man thoroughly plans but heaven disposes” - there was such a saying to lads, I mean, monsters like me.

[Inter-dimensional Travel] wasn't completely controlled by me and it seems to follow a certain sequence when dropping me into other realities.

It seemed to be dependent on a certain ‘denominative’ scale of power, for example, from a weak world to a slightly weak world. Something like that, I guess.

Was it maybe taking me into consideration?

That was so… cute!

I didn't know that the Outer God ROB was so caring and considerate towards my overall well-being, an eerie, sarcastic smile formed on my face as I entered into a pocket space, seemingly hidden from normal detection.

It was hella hot since we were talking about a section of the Earth's inner core.

The ‘ample’ radiation emanating from the place would probably make any titan feel giddy with excitement.

Godzilla's turf had its own merits and demerits for the common run-of-the-mill titan but they were completely useless to me.

Previously, I said the radiation was ‘ample’ because it was little for me and it tethered mostly towards cumulative gains and TIME.

It would take centuries for a titan to feel that they have gained something, either in terms of satisfying their hunger or growing stronger.

My easy route to circumnavigating such a time-consuming demerit was by forcefully absorbing the radiations!

“Tsk, wouldn't my actions squeeze the Earth's core dry? That's definitely a very bad ending for the Monsterverse.”

“I don't want something similar to Pacific Rim happening here. It isn't worth it.”

I have some sense of self-control.

I am not a big bad wolf, pfft.

“Hehe.” A mischievous expression reminiscent of Anya's template forms on my face as I lay down on the spacious platform laden with tidbits of overflowing lava.

The scalding heat from the ‘sauna’ was so welcoming and soothing.

It would probably serve well as my make-shift, natural ‘hot springs’.

How marvelous!

How sweet!

“Hmm, let's check my status. I feel that I have grown quite a bit.” Almost immediately, a futuristic, virtual system panel appeared in front of my vision.



[Name: Ralph, Soobin]

[Identity: Scion of Qzllo'ekla, Child of Ancient Terror]

[Race: Amorphous Aberrant]

[Lifespan: Biologically Immortal]

[Height: 144 meters]

[Length: 353 meters (Muzzle to Tail)]

[Weight: 97000 metric tons]

[Objective: Survive and Evolve]

[Penalty: None]

[Innate Trait: Genetic Archiving]

[Skills]: [Enhanced Speed] [Enhanced Strength] [Perfect Vision(+360 degrees vision)] [Enhanced Sense of Smell] [Enhanced Growth] [Enhanced Hearing] [Enhanced Durability] [Fearless] [Nuclear Radiation absorption] [Camouflage] [Ultra Regeneration*] [Sound Mimicry*] [Bioelectric skin(amped to 100 million volts generation)] [Acidic Venom Fang] [Deep Star Plasma Beam*] [Telekinetic Flight] [EMP emission] [Three Prehensile Monomolecular Tails] [Hive Mind Connection] [Monomolecular Plasma Claws(Explosive Supersonic claw substituted)] [Accelerated Thought Processing] [Multi-mind] [Hyperalloy crystalline carapace] [Metallurgic bioprocessor organ] [Bipedalism] [Basic Telepathy] [Telekinetic Defense Field] [Hyperalloy Bone Sheathing] [Self-sustenance (No need for air)]

[Independent Skill]: [Interdimensional Travel] *LOCKED*

[Evolution Phase: Phase III]

[Current State: Normal]

[Alt Mode: Burning Lightning Hell Mode

Duration: 10 min]


“My height has increased by 4 meters and my length also.” I noted the subtle changes that were almost negligible.

“Wow, my weight increased by a whopping 1000 metric tons.” I exclaimed in mild surprise.

This kind of accelerated development was within my calculation after gaining an identity.

“This [Child of Ancient Terror] thingy is a gem that kind of reminds me of [Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse],” I soliloquized with a reminiscent gaze.

The protagonist, Noah Osmont, at some point, gained a title that connected him to Void Terrors like Cthulhu but that was hyped for a while by the author before it disappeared into obscurity.

Noah Osmont had too many skills and he was constantly evolving them. Last time, I read he was already commanding DHARMA concepts before I had to regretfully drop it.

It was simply too much for me.

I could survive through a Xianxia progressive fantasy but that one I couldn't. Of course, there were better novels to read and I just couldn't keep up.

Couldn't keep up? Those were just mere lies coming from a person that had read several 2000 chapters long Eastern Fantasy novels, and read two Manhuas over 1000 chapters long.

I felt like going to slap the hell out of Noah Osmont to skip realms in a few days to reach the endpoint of the plot. And then… eat him.

I better be a cosmic SINGULARITY, EXTREMITY or simply, a reality bender, before I snack him up.

Of course, I knew it was kinda nigh-impossible and super difficult but i wasn't without hope.

I just had to continue eating.


Otherwise, that motherfucker would probably use [Plot Armor Manipulation] to turn misfortunes into fortune. I would have my ass turned into LOOT.

Tsk, it seems I would also have to venture into a cultivation reality for my training arc or… not?

Well, that would be a pain in the ass to deal with.

Too troublesome!

I shouldn't bother even thinking about eating a damned overpowered protagonist.

Just like that, I finally slept after thinking too much that I knocked myself out.

In my sleep, I lost any sense of time.

If I had an alternative for my own life story, then it would definitely be, “I grow stronger by sleeping.”

Five years later, I finally woke up.

But it wasn't by my own will but someone definitely thought that it was wise to want a taste of my harmonious sweet spot for free radiation.

My unexpected guest was someone that I hadn't thought possible to be alive.

It was fucking SHINOMURA!



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