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The dark nimbus clouds gradually covered the already gloomy sky, signifying the onslaught of heavy rains.

Thunder rumbled unrestrainedly before the inevitable befell all the living beings.

The cold gale whistled in the atmosphere like an eerie lullaby, emphasizing the direness of the situation at the ruined Spiritual Martial Hall.


Thunder roared out in anger once again, shaking the hearts of Lord Guanjun, Guanjun Corps’ members, and some of the Ten Sky Guards.

The fight between Quan Chen and Lord Guanjun was far from reaching an impasse; Lord Guanjun had already been humiliated and utterly defeated on his own turf.

The result came off as a blow to the faces of the youngsters who had always believed Lord Guanjun to be akin to a god among men.

Feng Hanyue felt a chill in his heart and doubt and fear could be seen on his effeminate face.

He found Quan Chen to be even more terrifying than the genius of impossibility, Zhao Wei.

Of course, he was terrifying since his strength was no longer in the realm of mortals but that of someone closer to actualizing what it meant to be immortal!

Lord Guanjun was inarguably weaker than the youthful Quan Chen.

‘What kind of strength is that? I envy it. I want it but I am just… too weak.’ Feng Hanyue thought dejectedly but even then, a small fire of new ambition was kindled deep inside his heart.

He found the world to be truly wondrous and it didn't lack enviable geniuses - hidden dragons and soaring phoenixes that could amaze the world!

“Xu Ran, I see you have some clotted blood still lying in your throat. Let ‘em all out for your disciples to see your disgrace!” Quan Chen laughed with a mocking grin on his face.

Damn! You are too cruel!

Most people in the dilapidated building had sour expressions after hearing Quan Chen's vicious words.

“You little-!”

Lord Guanjun couldn't hold it anymore as he coughed up blood in dramatic exaggeration.

Black-red blood dripped from the corners of his lips afterward as both Ye Lingyun and Third Guard supported his injured body on both sides.

“Uncle, no, I shouldn't be calling you ‘uncle’ when you are as weak as a fly,” Quan Chen continued to take jabs at both the mind and heart of Lord Guanjun.

“You should call me Grandpa instead!”

“Quan Chen!” Lord Guanjun gritted his teeth with immense hate and helplessness showing on his sickly face.

‘I feel sad for Lord Guanjun for being in a passive position. The psychological offense is already taking a toll on him.’ Zhao Wei sighed internally.

He didn't feel any pity for Lord Guanjun but instead, felt pity for his established fate- a fate of the weak. He was being played with by Hai Yun via Quan Chen. How pathetic could it get?

His life story had to follow whatever had already been written and it was unchangeable.

Human beings were given free will and only those exceptional individuals with indomitable wills and extreme thirst for evolution, both physically and spiritually, could have the chance to resist the unmistakable arrangements of Fate.

Zhao Wei was aware of his own peculiar existence that was already in defiance of the laws and rules that were written in stone, Fate.

He was an anomaly. His luck had been good so far to the point of even changing the predetermined route the timeline had to take.

Luck was truly a mystical concept and if an individual ever reached the state of being able to manipulate the probabilities of existence, then… they would be basically Omnipotent.

He had survived ‘till this moment and that was attributed to how high his luck was.

His knowledge of the future in addition to his own adaptable spirit placed him in a near-invincible position.

“Your lover was taken by Master Hai Yun, Xu Ran. How do you still exist as a cuck?” Quan Chen continued with his onslaught of vicious words.

He was openly degrading Lord Guanjun's image and existing reputation. He didn't care about anyone’s feelings since he was in a higher position than everyone.

He was strong and everyone in the vicinity was weak. He could kill them all if so he wished, well, except for the golden duo.

Once again the unsavory past of Lord Guanjun saw the light and people didn't know how to respond to it except to feel pity, hatred, and immense anger at the source of all that bullshit.

‘I can't believe Lord Guanjun got… sigh.’

‘Why doesn't Lord Guanjun feel mighty and powerful in my eyes anymore?’

‘Damn, the green color is strong in this one!’

‘I can't believe Lord Guanjun had such a pitiful past!’

‘His lover was taken and now his core disciples are about to be stolen under his nose! What sort of drama is this?’

‘That Master Hai Yun is too spiteful and vicious!’

‘I wonder what decision Zhao Wei would finally make.’

‘What will Bei Moi choose?’

‘What will Lord Guanjun do for his own disciples?’

Various thoughts ran through the minds of the shaken youngsters as they watched the unfolding events.

Satisfied with the session of mental torture meant for Xu Ran, Quan Chen finally turned his attention to the duo.

His time was limited and he didn't want to stay any longer in this insignificant place.

“Brother Wei, Brother Bei, the future is in your own hands, and in my opinion, that future will be nonexistent if you continue following such a powerless master,” Quan Chen said in a convincing voice.

He held the initiative to tempt the two youths even more.

“Your foundation will be even more enhanced and reinforced if you become teacher Hai Yun’s disciples. We don't lack high-quality resources and high-level techniques to cater to all your needs.”

“You will even have the opportunity to meet other geniuses at your level or even higher. Don't you all want your potential to be stimulated?”

“If your luck is good, you might even get the chance of being an immortal of the True Spirit Realm! Under Teacher Hai Yun's tutelage, nothing is impossible. I, myself, am not confident in reaching my teacher’s level but… to you two, maybe it would be a different story!”

Quan Chen’s words were very attractive and tempting to the ears. The opportunity was irresistible to anyone.

Who didn't want to grow stronger and reach unimaginable heights of strength?!

In this world where the strong were revered and the weak oppressed under the whims of others, who would really pass up the chance of achieving power beyond their means?

Bei Moi seemed to be touched by Quan Chen's words. He was a super-genius and an outstanding warrior, there was no way he wouldn't get tempted. A chance for a better future was right in front of his face, was there a reason for him to not grasp the chance?

“Brother Bei, I want to hear your thoughts and decisions first.” Quan Chen gazed at Bei Moi with a somber expression.

It was a crucial point.

Bei Moi had a complicated expression on his face as he struggled to reach a decision.

He was deeply troubled.

Was it worth it to lose his master's trust?

Was it worth it to betray Lord Guanjun for the betterment of his own future?

Was it right to be selfish?

He was in a difficult position. On one hand, he wanted to accept Quan Chen's attractive deal, and on the other hand, he didn't want to betray the person who had groomed him to where he currently was.

“Master…” Bei Moi weakly called out, his internal struggle showing on his face.

He no longer exuded his usual cold expression.

Lord Guanjun had a self-deprecating smile on his face as he faced his favored core disciple.

“Bei, you don't have to think about me and think about yourself. You will have no future with me. Haven't I disgraced myself enough?” He then sighed in defeat.

“Master, I can't-” Bei Moi wanted to reject his master's line of thought.

He would feel bad if he betrayed him but the feeling wasn't as intense as he might have thought it to be.

“Hmph!” A cold light shone in Quan Chen's eyes, and in one step, he closed in on Bei Moi before swiftly clamping his hand on his shoulder.

Bei Moi wanted to retaliate on instinct but later on, he realized he couldn't mobilize his inner strength to attack.


Quan Chen then leaned closer to Bei Moi’s ear and restrained him before he moved his head away.

“You aren't loyal to your master, right?” Quan Chen immediately struck a point which immediately made Bei Moi cease all his futile resistance.

As Quan Chen leaned back, Bei Moi stared at him in anger. It was anger at his own guilt.

His ambitions proved superior.

‘Master, I am sorry and it seems I, Bei Moi, will have to…’ Bei Moi gave Lord Guanjun one last guilty look which made his heart bleed even more.

Quan Chen relinquished his hand from Bei Moi's shoulder and only spoke a few words.

“Think about it.”

Quan Chen left him and turned his attention to the silent Zhao Wei who had been watching them closely for quite some time.

Quan Chen was once reminded that the youth wasn't as simple as he let on.

He looked disturbingly calm. Almost unfazed by the situation.

“What about you, Brother Wei?”

Zhao Wei wordlessly and smoothly stood up, before looking at the gloomy skies.

Heavy rains were imminent. The current weather mirrored the gloomy atmosphere in the ruined building.

A drop of rain fell on his face.

Zhao Wei moved his hand and touched the slight wetness on his cheek before rubbing between his thumb and index.

He sighed deeply.

He held no lingering emotions toward his surroundings.

He felt no joy.

He felt no sadness.

He was just relieved that his turn had arrived.

“Betrayal and loyalty, twin concepts that share the same essence in an outward perspective.”

“It seems my journey has reached another turning point.”

Zhao Wei then ignored everyone. He didn't care about their apprehensive faces.

His decisions couldn't be influenced by vague concepts such as betrayal and loyalty.

He was ultimately only loyal to himself!

Lord Guanjun had already lost his value.

Zhao Wei then looked at Quan Chen. His beautiful silver eyes held a certain ethereal feeling that anyone could be lost in.

Even Quan Chen, who was more powerful than Zhao Wei, felt intimidated.

People watched the two with bated breaths.

“Brother Chen, when will we be leaving?”

Zhao Wei immediately dropped an unexpected bombshell that even shook the very heavens, immediately making them cry in anger directed toward his shameless and unprincipled attitude!
