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MUTO Prime.

I remember reading about her exciting adventures in “Godzilla: Aftershock” which kind of made me doubt about the universe I was in.

Am I in the MonsterVerse or a mix-up of the MonsterVerse and comic issues?

Anyway, it's not like it mattered that much since I was eventually going to find the answers I wanted after spending some time here.

The two titans, MUTO Prime, and Godzilla shared an ancient rivalry with the MUTOs being the perfect counters to Godzilla's abilities.

Dagon - not the Lovecraftian eldritch entity or JJK’s Toji’s octopus victim - I meant the titan with similar features as Godzilla that was there in the Phoenician Era.

He was treated like a god by the people of that era, received prayers, and got drawn on tablets, heck there were even scriptures regarding his overwhelming greatness.

But you know what, even with all that hype when the evolved MUTO Prime sniffed those Goji cheeks, Dagon got done in.

MUTO Prime gave him a taste of those ovipositors and deposited the eggs necessary for the continuation of MUTO lineage inside his body.

MUTO Prime mostly lived for reproduction and feeding off massive amounts of radiation so Dagon was only a victim.

The egg, in order to grow and thrive, continuously fed off the radiation in his system which weakened him to death.

Dagon, pfft, could be considered the alternate mother to the two MUTOs that destroyed a huge portion of San Francisco.

Dagon, stand proud. You are strong!

If it were not for Godzilla’s intervention, then San Francisco would have probably been a nest for the MUTO's repopulation.

Goji was really humanity's protector. Just how many times has he saved the asses of the humans from a surefire extinction?

Godzilla was a survivor and the protagonist in most instances, so even though the odds might not be in his favor during a difficult fight, he would win nonetheless.

When I was still a human, I had massive respect for MonsterVerse’s Godzilla. He wasn't weak if he were to be compared to his other incarnations.

He was more impressive than even Final Wars.


MUTO Prime’s raging scream snapped me out of my reverie. A second had barely passed but inside my mind, time seemed to have passed so fast due to my [Accelerated Thought Processing].

MUTO Prime ignored Godzilla and began rushing toward me.

For a moment, I think I spotted relief inside his eyes for being spared from such a cruel fate. It honestly made me want to burst my lungs off.

I then gazed at Titanus Jinshin-Mushi, the most jacked female Titan in the Godzilla franchise. She inadvertently made me think of the Sexy titan form of Annie Leonhart. She was jacked but in a good, aesthetic way. I’d cla-

Ho, do I look like the most viable option now? Godzilla isn't enough to sire your kids, right?

Do I look like someone with child-bearing hips, bitch?

I grinned as MUTO Prime punched me hard in the face with the full force of an earthquake.


Well, contrary to expectations, the face that was supposed to be currently like Leatherback’s after Gipsy Danger got him good, remained unscathed as I coldly gazed down at ‘shawty’.

I was like an immovable mountain, unshakable.

Gura Gura no Mi had no shit on me, pfft.

MUTO Prime had that face of wonder and innumerable question marks.

‘When I punch someone they are supposed to be pushed the hell away! How can this weird three-tailed mutt resist me?’

MUTO Prime's intelligence was animalistic but her titan instincts were nothing to be scoffed. She was an experienced fighter but seeing how unfazed I was after casually tanking her attack, she began to realize that I was no slouch.

If one isn't enough, how about a second one?

MUTO Prime gave me another hook and I allowed her another session of her thoughts malfunctioning.

I don't mean to be a feminist but I allowed you to strike first due to common courtesy.

I scoffed at MUTO Prime's several attempts to pummel me to the ground.


I growled fiercely at the slightly overgrown hundreds of thousands of tons beetle. It gave her a scare as she reeled back instinctively.

“KREAAH!” I sent her a message that she could understand.

But translated to human language, it was “Try harder.”

Sukuna possessed me for a moment before Gojo sensei came in, right after.


“After all, you are weak!”

MUTO Prime got enraged by my blatant disdain and she blindly began to attack me wildly.

It was then that I decided to bitch slap her so hard that one of her muscular arms got torn apart from her body.

When an enemy is in motion, there is a moment when their muscles relax and I took that opening to use one of my [Monomolecular Tails] to swiftly cut through the joints of her arm in one cut like a Blade of Execution.

I didn't need to dirty my ‘hands’ to fight those weaker than me.

I have no enemies.


MUTO Prime screamed like a pig being roasted alive.


Another arm left the chat.


‘Man, she's screaming so loud.’

‘It’s just kinda annoying.’

I slowly walked towards her as she struggled to run away from me.

A wolf and a dragon beetle, huh? What a bad matchup!

No matter how tough a titan may be, there was no way they would want to die.

They were somehow intelligent and they would rather run away or submit than die.

MUTO Prime was an alpha titan and as an apex predator, she valued her survival after I showed her a cold reality.

I was faster, stronger, better than her in many ways.

And among apex predators, I existed on a higher stratum.

I was the true destroyer!

In less than a second, I caught up to her and stepped on her.

What? You are expecting a golden shower?!

I wasn't imitating Makima or anything, hmph.

I used one tail to raise her struggling self to my eye level. MUTO weighed hundreds of thousands of tons but I had no problem picking her up since she was a… toddler.

MUTO Prime screamed in pain and fear, and… she demanded me to release her immediately or else…!

Oh, I didn't know she was a Karen.

I used my two tails to pry her jaws wide open and restrain her outbursts.

I then gave the super-astounded Godzilla a meaningful look.

‘I am going to have to borrow your move, Gojira!’

Thermonuclear energy began pulsating inside my body and within a second, a miniature sun-like energy ball formed in my mouth.

Ya wanna know what happened next?

I furiously directed all that energy into MUTO Prime’s mouth and drilled his soul into Hollow Earth.


I once again proclaimed my majestic self to all of existence.

I was the… ANTI-GOD!

I was the New Order!

