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Lord Guanjun took out something from under his sleeve and upon inspection, the Ten Sky Guards noticed that it was a visually appealing transparent crystal ball that glittered under the reflections of light in the room.

There was just something awe-inspiring about it and the youths began to wonder what it was.

Bei Moi and Nan Gongfan were already aware of the crystal ball but even so, they didn't truly understand the mechanisms behind its uniqueness.

Bei Moi treated it as something that created distinctions among different layers of geniuses. It was something that amplified his ego and showed how he was different from the rest.

That was the cruel reality that his fellow disciple, Nan Gongfan, had to face.

Nan Gongfan also knew too well that the crystal ball was the ultimate crusher of a superiority mindset and someone's initial worldview.

It was a complete game-changer.

“This crystalline ball you are currently curious about is the potential-measuring artifact,” Lord Guanjun explained nonchalantly after seeing how the young ones looked at it.

“This is something unique and just from its name, you can already guess that's excels in measuring the future potentiality and innate talent of each individual to a 99.99% degree. Even though it only offers estimates about someone's potential, you can be reassured about its credibility!”

What? It can measure their future potential, like how far they can advance in cultivation!

All the youths in the room except Zhao Wei had their eyes widening in amazement after hearing such an inconceivable concept from Lord Guanjun.

Zhao Wei couldn't really blame them as he was also interested in that so-called potential-measuring artifact, but for a different reason.

He was more curious about the materials used to make such an incredible artifact. They probably had to be heaven-defying or something along those lines.

He used his [Super Vision] to dig deeper into the material composition, you know the usual chemistry, but…

‘W-What? Just ordinary crystals?’ Zhao Wei chuckled in his mind after a quick analysis from afar.

‘What a disappointment. But the fact still remains that the crystal ball isn't as simple as it seems. Maybe it operates under some kind of laws or concepts that a mortal like me won't ever hope to discover.’

‘Or maybe it's a fragment of-’

‘The questions will never end if I continue thinking about it.’

‘This is interesting.’ A momentary glint of passion and curiosity shone in his moon-like eyes.

Zhao Wei once again was reminded of the unknowns Xs and Ys the infinite universe had to offer and he was just a slightly ‘knowledgeable’ toddler in it.

“Little Bei, guide them so that we see the quality of this time’s Sky Guards,” Lord Guanjun smiled at Bei Moi as he handed him the crystal ball.

“Pfft-” Nan Gongfan was about to let one out but he stifled it back after his master gave him a warning gaze.

Zhao Wei swore he had that Leonardo DiCaprio meme signature and it kind of amused him.

Bei Moi, on the other hand, had a sour expression on his face only because Lord Guanjun would refer to him as Little Bei at random times.

He didn't like it but since he was the youngest among his disciples, Bei Moi had forced himself to get used to it and swallow the discontent.

Bei Moi couldn't really hold it against his master.

What pissed him off was the reaction from his fellow disciples, especially Nan Gongfan.

Bei Moi chose to ignore Nan Gongfan's low-key jab at him. Bei Moi treated it as just the buzz of a fly.

He then went and presented the potential-measuring artifact to Feng Hanyue.

Feng Hanyue was nervous at first but since he was good at controlling his emotions, he finally calmly held the crystal ball without shivering unnecessarily.

Bei Moi noticed how Feng Hanyue kept his cool and wordlessly nodded.

“Now try to channel both your consciousness and inner strength into the crystal ball,” Bei Moi sternly instructed.

Feng Hanyue nodded while inhaling deeply before exhaling in relaxation.

‘Now we have Bei Moi, the fortune teller. Now what future would the crystal ball reveal?’ Zhao Wei thought in delight.


Just as in the novel, Feng Hanyue lit up five circles in the crystal ball meaning his potential had exceeded the mortal body, meaning, he wouldn't be confined by the limits of the Consolidated Realm and the Ascended Realm wouldn't be a problem for the future him.

Lord Guanjun indirectly called him trash even though he didn't utter any derogatory terms from his mouth.

Lei Cong took the crystal ball and upon following the procedure, Lord Guanjun gave him a less-than-average evaluation. Lei Cong was even trashier than Feng Hanyue as he lit up only four circles.

That was the cold reality that cultivators had to face. There were no words to sugarcoat what is considered ‘trash’.

Lord Guanjun had strict requirements for one to be his core disciple so it was understandable.

But Zhao Wei knew from his reading experience that choosing a core disciple or legacy disciple wasn't solely based on potential alone.

There were just many aspects of a character that needed to be examined to take someone that you would treat like family under your tutelage.

How is their Dao Heart?

Are they loyal or are they just backstabbing scumbags?

What are their philosophical views?

What are their goals and how far do their ambitions reach?

Also, the eccentricity of the master could determine what type of disciple they want, Zhao Wei calmly thought.

Fairy Xi Xuan took in Han Jue since he was a shut-in cultivator which was pretty consistent with his seclusion, more like cowardice, hehe.

Grandmaster Pill Demon also had his own criteria that the Ninth Generation Demon Sealer had to meet before undergoing the discipleship ceremony.

“Hey, you dropped your balls.” Bei Moi suppressed his snicker as he gave the crystal ball to the absent-minded Zhao Wei.

“Ha, I didn't know that you are also funny, little Bei.” Zhao Wei wore his trademark troublemaker grin as he emotionally pinched Bei Moi where it hurt the…most.

Zhao Yufei turned her hilarious smile away from the two males.

She was holding herself really well from relieving her lungs from bursting forth.

Lord Guanjun witnessed the interaction between the two and couldn't help but be surprised by Bei Moi’s reaction towards Zhao Wei.

His usual cold disciple could also make friends.

But he was most interested in, was the potential lying within that divine body of Zhao Wei.

What kind of surprising results was he going to give him as both Ye Lingyun and Third Guard equally praised him as a monster, huh?

Meanwhile, Zhao Wei uninterestedly gazed at the crystal ball.

‘Why deceive yourself with a flawed glimpse of the future, dear?’

‘Illusions are the only things awaiting you!’

One bright circle formed on the crystal ball

A second followed next at a constant speed.




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