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*Wrote the chapter when I was fighting sleep in bed*

*I feeling slightly well, at least*

[Third POV]

Ralph began to fly above Sydney and looked at the state of the city from above.

There were a lot of destroyed buildings and rubble but the earth had healed.

Various exotic plants and flowers had already begun growing and intertwining around the ruined, ghostly buildings.

Ralph felt that the view from above gave it an artistic wonder despite the calamity the humans had faced a few moments ago.

It looked as if Poison Ivy had been pissed off quite a bit for her to rampage but Ralph’s mind leaned more towards the godly view of Hell’s paradise except the fauna weren't man-eating or harmful.

“When I grow up, I want to be a MAPPA animator, haha.” Ralph chuckled to himself as he arrived at a place with mountain ranges.

Even though they had once been destroyed, they had all returned to their original state. Whoever was near these mountains should have already been buried and crushed by an avalanche of rocks.

Ralph then decided to look at his status as his senses spread all over the mountains as he tried to spot those crazy believers of his.



[Name: Ralph, Soobin, God of Calamities, The Miracle, The Tribunal, Beyonder]

[Identity: Scion of Qzllo'ekla, Child of Ancient Terror]

[Race: Amorphous Aberrant]

[Lifespan: Biologically Immortal]

[Height: 145 meters]

[Length: 370 meters (Muzzle to Tail)]

[Weight: 99000 metric tons]

[Objective: Survive and Evolve]

[Penalty: None]

[Innate Trait: Genetic Archiving]
<Sub trait: Big Stomach>

[Skills]: [Enhanced Speed] [Enhanced Strength] [Perfect Vision(+360 degrees vision)] [Enhanced Sense of Smell] [Enhanced Growth] [Enhanced Hearing] [Enhanced Durability] [Fearless] [Nuclear Radiation absorption] [Camouflage] [Ultra Regeneration*] [Sound Mimicry*] [Bioelectric skin(amped to 100 million volts generation)] [Acidic Venom Fang] [Deep Star Plasma Beam*] [Telekinetic Flight] [EMP emission] [Three Prehensile Monomolecular Tails] [Hive Mind Connection] [Monomolecular Plasma Claws(Explosive Supersonic claw substituted)] [Accelerated Thought Processing] [Multi-mind] [Hyperalloy crystalline carapace] [Metallurgic bioprocessor organ] [Bipedalism] [Basic Telepathy] [Telekinetic Defense Field] [Hyperalloy Bone Sheathing] [Self-sustenance] [Faith Energy Manipulation(Temporary)] [Endless Vitality]

[Independent Skill]: [Interdimensional Travel] *LOCKED* (Prerequisite: Huge amounts of energy required to unlock at will)

[Evolution Phase: Phase III]

[Current State: Well-rested]

[Alt Mode: Burning Lightning Hell Mode

Duration: 20 min]


“There are no noticeable changes. My height, length, and weight have increased a tiny wee bit. I can't feel the changes.” Ralph analyzed the little details of his status window.

“Huh? [Endless Vitality]? Isn't that just redundant since I am biologically immortal? Maybe there's a small bug in the AI.” He rolled his eyes and it looked quite the terrifying sight since he currently had six eyes instead of four.

“But there's been an update, I see. [Self-sustenance] has been formed after combining [Underwater Breathing], [Outer Space Breathing] and [No Breather]. They were quite repetitive.”

“I guess [Faith Energy Manipulation] is only temporary since it's a skill that was brought into fruition by outside factors like the prayers of the masses. It's not something that I have solely devoured and extracted.”

Ralph then suddenly whipped his head in a specific direction.


He had been sidetracked quite a bit that he had almost forgotten the group of his dedicated believers.

He should maybe talk with them. They had to be special to be able to spread a religion in almost all parts of the world.

Ralph flew to a hidden spot in a valley and picked up a group of roughly 14 individuals. Thirteen of them were dressed in ceremonial black hoodies and one of them - probably the leader - was dressed in well-designed white robes that distinguished her from the rest.

Ralph’s humongous form immediately cast an unnatural shadow over the valley.

The cultist group was in the middle of a blood sacrifice ritual. The Priestess had a hunter’s knife in her hand and she was prepared to offer the doe-eyed deer at the altar as a sacrifice to their god.

The huge shadow bloating the sky immediately made them cease whatever they were doing and in synchrony, they all looked at the source.

“My God, Our God has heeded our avid prayers and decided to grace us with his presence. How unworthy are we!” The High Priestess devotedly spoke out.

“Let's all bow down to His Eminence or we might invalidate his benevolence!” The High Priestess then immediately bowed down head flat on the ground, and the other members followed suit in fear and reverence.

They shivered in happiness for their god had heard their prayers and showed himself.

Seeing their weird dogezas, Ralph felt like laughing but he stifled it behind his toothy wolfish grin.

He then gently landed near them. Ralph swore he could feel their tension and apprehension but still, they continued to maintain their prostrations.

“So you are the ones who have been glorifying and deifying me?” Ralph spoke in a deep voice, his emotions couldn't be easily read. He had assumed the role of an aloof and all-powerful god.

‘Of course, they are the ones, you dumbass!’ Ralph yelled at himself.

“Yes, my Lord. We are your lowly servants who have long realized the wonders and greatness of your nature. We humbly prostrate ourselves before you!” The High Priestess replied fluently with a touch of dedication, insanity, and deep love.

All her happiness was being conveyed by her downcast eyes that resisted the urge to seek the visage of the divine.

‘She is truly a mental case. Her emotional wavelengths are quite intense even though she’s almost perfectly reined in her feelings.’ Ralph narrowed a gaze at the woman with a body so fine, so tight. She had the right curves at the right place, almost as if she was created for the sole reason of bewitchment.

Even with her head down, Ralph could see her oh-so-well. He could see everything but he didn't feel anything sexual toward her which would be so wrong in many ways.

If he had still been the human he was in his past life as Soobin, then he might have succumbed to the High Priestess.

But currently, Ralph could just bite down all that beauty into his mouth since human life is fleeting and like smoke.

“Would you sacrifice yourselves for me?” Ralph decided to ask casually.

“Yes! I would even go through hell and suffer thousands of sufferings just for you!” The High Priestess confirmed her trust and servitude to the Divine Wolf.

‘Wow, that's some high cultist shit right there. She has potential!’ Ralph thought in silence.

‘But it's a pity that I won't be able to create a divine kingdom and use their faith to empower myself. My route seems to be leaning more towards destruction, devouring, and conquering.’

‘Maybe I should just let my religion develop under her leadership even though I might currently gain nothing in return except for a large number of worshippers.’

‘Well, isn't that free cumulative faith energy for my future travels?’

“I come with the promise of Eternal Life and with how down-to-earth you are, I will bestow upon you a long life to oversee the spread of my religion once the new world has risen to its feet,” Ralph said with a mysterious undertone to his pleasant voice.

“I will do everything according to your will!”

“Till then, await my return!” Ralph said with finality before taking to the sky.

“Rejoice!” Ralph’s voice resounded like a thunderclap as a space fissure appeared on his path and swallowed him whole.

[Interdimensional Travel activated]

[Destination: MonsterVerse]



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