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Though she didn't want to admit it sometimes, the young man she was looking at had grown considerably pleasing to the eye.

She had yet to fully understand him.

He was funny. He could sometimes be humorless.

He was predictable at times due to her observation and their ‘closeness’ but his unpredictability had always shaken her heart.

He could be wise and stupid at the same time and she always wondered just how the two different personalities could entirely coexist.

She had also realized he was flawed and he had further admitted it himself.

She had once thought he was perfect even though his mob-like appearance said otherwise but with time, she had come to like his imperfections.

He was a natural charmer and she feared that with how things were going, she wouldn't be the only woman unable to resist the mysteries cloaking his being like armor.

He was deadly. More lethal than she could ever imagine. And with each passing day, she realized she was falling. Falling deeper into the abyss known as Zhao Wei.

Her heart was at risk and she understood that fact very well. He had warned him, his words hurtful and sharp to the point of cutting through her maiden heart.

Zhao Wei had changed her. She had changed herself.

She had mended her heart right after and come to terms with his peculiarities.

Zhao Wei was a hard game and as the fool she was, Zhao Yufei was determined to crack the game.

The difficulty level didn't mean anything due to her newfound perspective.

By throwing caution to the wind, she, Zhao Yufei, was going all in.

She was on a quest to affirm her own path and to conquer the almost frozen heart of a low-key ‘villain’ who preferred neutrality overall and chose to do things the way he wanted.

To achieve what she yearned for, what she craved, her vision had to be grander and ambitious similar to his.

He had told her that he believed in her hidden potential, and she couldn't be more assured of herself.

The young man’s eyes always gave her the feeling that he could see through anyone and anything.

Currently, he looked more devastatingly attractive in the superficial sense which she had come to not give a damn about.

She wanted to know more about the ‘man’ behind that veil of different characteristics.

She liked him for who he was as a person.

Damn, she almost lo-

“Hey beautiful, why are you spacing out? Are you thinking about life? Maybe…about me?”

A pink blush involuntarily colored her cheeks and the tips of her ears reddened.

Even without looking at him, Zhao Yufei swore she could always envision that heart-stopping smug smile on his lips.

“Narcissist. Do you think everything's about you?” Zhao Yufei harrumphed but failed to hide her embarrassment.

Anyone but him could do that. To have such a profound effect on her state of mind.

“I am hurt. How could you be so mean to me?” Zhao Wei showed a hurt expression on his face.

Did she forget how playful and childish he was?

She, especially, liked that side of him.

Zhao Yufei frowned with a ‘fake’ repulsed expression and clicked her tongue venomously.

“I always wonder how you can pull off those contrasting expressions without trying. I have never seen you act like that with others.”

Zhao Wei remained silent to her inquiry for a few seconds.

He then looked at her squarely. His silvery eyes captivated hers, pulling her into a momentary trance.

“Because… you are special.” With those words, he left her and went to his room.


‘Because…you are special.’

‘You are special.’



The words rang like a rhyme inside her frozen mind.

She was in a never-ending loop of those words.

After coming to herself, Zhao Yufei hurriedly walked to her room and shut the door behind her.

She then leaned her back against the door and allowed herself to slowly slide down to the ground.

Her face was steaming and her forgotten shyness seemed to have surfaced back due to the effects of his words.

His deep masculine voice…

She hid her face with her delicate hands for a moment before she cutely caressed her pink cheeks.

Zhao Yufei then pouted and puffed her cheeks like a hamster and exhaled lightly but still failed to calm herself.

Her heart was incessantly beating against her chest.

She slowly placed her hand between her perky breasts or in other words, the valley of bliss.

She could feel her excited heart through the touch of her palm and hear its thumps through her ears.

She was losing it.

“How am I supposed to react and feel when you say those words?”

“Do you think I am a weak woman who would easily fall for your words?”

“Special? Am I truly special to you, bastard?”

“Did you mean it or are you playing with me?”

“Gosh, I can't understand you.”

Zhao Yufei sighed silently and placed her hands on her knees before casting her eyes at the ceiling.

“So unfair!” She grumbled in a low, sensual voice.

“Zhao Wei…” A murmur left her luscious lips then a dangerous, crazed glint shone in her lovely eyes.

“It seems you can only be mine.”

“I am obsessed.”

She then smiled wickedly like a crazy enchantress enamored by something - by someone worthy of her utmost interest.

She was like a pure demoness.

“Zhao Wei!” She silently called out to him.

For him to know that she liked him, wanted him but the wall of unrequited love was almost insurmountable.

She could endure...for him..

She was determined.

“Zhao Wei!”

He was hers and she was his!


Inside a wooden room, Zhao Wei sneezed exaggeratedly.

“Damn, who is talking so bad about me? Is it Yufei? No, she wouldn't.”

Then, Zhao Wei suddenly felt a chill run down his spine. It was a bad feeling and this time round, it was more intense.

“Weird.” He brushed it off since this time, he didn't register the feeling of death - of his life being at risk.

Zhao Wei didn't know that his life wasn't exactly at risk in the normal sense but by something else.

A woman.

He wouldn't expect that.

He wasn't the only unpredictable factor.

He planned and foresaw things that might help him in his path but anything outside that, he could sometimes be blind.

Those words he had initially spoken to Zhao Yufei didn't hold much value to him as much as they were being taken seriously by the beautiful maiden in question.

She was evolving, well, in other ways.

Zhao Wei was in deep sh*t but he would only find out about it later on.

“Meditation is the way.” Zhao Wei closed his eyes and calmed his mind as he awaited Lord Guanjun's call that he had already predicted.

He could be insensitive at times.

He treated Zhao Yufei like a ‘true friend’ that he didn't always trust which made it quite contradictory.

But Zhao Yufei was the only person closest to him.

She was entitled to be ‘special.’

That was his perspective.

Did he fully understand human feelings? A woman's feelings?



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