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"I am a werewolf, awoo. I can grow taller and muscular than you."

"Hmph, I am vampire, hiss. I am faster and more beautiful than you. I can get all the handsome prince charmings while you will get no one."

"Hoho, then I will bite your prince charmings into werewolves and make them my friends."

"Uwuwu, you are so mean, brother."

"Keke, I win."

"I hate you."


Memories. Ah, the memories of the past.

How blissfully naive had his childhood been?

So full of innocence and pureness.

The laughter of a young girl with lofty dreams.

The naggings of a brother who secretly cared for his little sister.

Oh, sweet childhood.


T-That laughter, that pure atmosphere, those moments of no consequences…. were no more.

The smile of a cute and innocent little bud was non-existent, their presence in the world forever erased.

All of that was after all only forgotten memories.


The evilness of man.

The warped logic of a rotten humanity.

The world took all that away from Eiji.

When Eiji had looked at the lifeless eyes of his sister that never lost the light of dreams and the cute face that always brimmed with mischief and childhood innocence, that had been the day he changed.

The day he had come to know of the reality around him at such a young age. How cold it was and unfeeling to the cries and woes of man.

The bubble that he and his sister had existed in was akin to a fairytale, unaware of the dark world outside.

The man who had done such a sinful deed; an atrocious act that was supposed to guarantee him a death warrant, had smiled regretlessly at his grieving face.

Mocking him, goading him, filling him with despair as the authorities took custody over him.

His parents had demanded justice. He had badly wanted the judicial system to condemn the man to the deepest levels of hell.

The judicial and societal system which was supposed to protect its citizens against injustice did exactly the opposite.



Social Stratification.

The repulsive pedophile hadn't received his supposed judgement and was only sent off with a limited probation and a few months of lounging in the mental asylum.

Eiji had remembered it well when his grieving parents had cried and cursed at the cruel eventuality.

The man had someone up there. He had been the distant relative of a certain prominent politician and the said politician had a very influential circle with members that could decide the fate of a country's economy and industrialization.




Eiji's reality had gradually began to break before shattering like brittle glass. The collapse of his bubble world ushered in the encroachment of a state of nothingness.

A seed. A seed of nihilism had sprouted.



Why did the one he sought to direct the flow of the case not intervening?

Why was the divine not feeling pity for his sister?

Just why?


Eiji had stopped questioning eventually.

The supreme, the divine light, hope of the weak, the giver of alms didn't… exist.

He was all alone in a world of darkness.

And only he, a child who was not man but forced to become a man, decided to seek that was not sought.

He would become whatever he wanted.

For his sister's justice, Eiji would take matters into his own hands by embodying… Divine Punishment.

A plan made from his early teenage years was thus built, modified and improved over the years as Eiji threw himself into the core of politics.

The face of that man, the repulsive face of sin, how could Eiji ever forget that spawn of hell!

To know more about those involved in his younger sister's tragedy, Eiji had to be closer with the enemies while maintaining a behind-the-scene outlook.

By lucky coincidence, he had one day collected a good piece of evidence against a certain politician but as a warning to his snooping nose, Eiji was dealt another bad hand.

In a calculated scheme, they had threatened him with his parents.

But Eiji had remained hardheaded and stubborn which came to cost him his only loved ones in existence.

Stupidity. Stubbornness. Futility.

Eiji had blamed himself. And knew, he deserved it. He was swimming in dangerous waters where hungry sharks constantly hunted for unassuming preys.


Eiji turned to the dark side after looking into the abyss for far too long.

Martial arts, assassination skills, judo and krav maga - These four Eiji began to train like a devil maniac.

He had to become in physical sense instead of being simply limited to the soul and mind.

He had to become a monster. A devil.

A void. Eiji began his conquest to be the void that would devour the politicians. To slowly chip away at the corrupted authority known as the government.

The unfeeling feeling of blood. The helpless wails of insincere men of high status as they were subjected to both psychological and physical torture.

The sounds of despair. Eiji came to be indifferent to the desperate cries from irredeemable filth.

Many politicians and government officials were brutally founded dead as months passed.

The devil of death and retribution was on the loose, reaping the lives of the sinful and corrupt souls at the heart of the society.

Finally, Eiji found that one man he had been searching for all his life hiding in a discreet private island.

Even in hell and the void of abyss, Eiji had been determined to descend to exert vengeance and slay everything that may stop him from reaching the accursed man.

Sadly, Eiji had no words to convey to the man who had once been sheltered for his death-guarantted crimes. The man had such a nauseating history.

Silence spoke more words than actual speaking. Eiji perfectly ripped off the man's skin, only to leave behind a perfect anatomical model - the artistic wonder a peeler could do.

Then slowly by slowly, he had torn off all of his fingers and toes in twisted ways, cut off his small pedophilic tool, blended them like a mixologist and force fed the whole mix back to his ugly mouth.

Eiji then dug out his tendons and eyes, cut off his nose but sadly, the spineless man couldn't keep up with his 'light' torture.

The man had died even before Eiji could use 10% of the torture methods he had prepared for him. He was easy to break like a poorly manufactured toy.

Forgive? Humans were supposed to give others a chance to redeem themselves before forgiving them.

Those were just mere lies and nonsense to Eiji. Social norms and societal rules could not dictate his thought process.

That day he smiled but the smile lacked warmth.

It was just a smileless smile.

He was left empty once again.

A being with no definite path. Purposeless.

On the Island, Eiji contemplated an easy suicide but shunned the idea.

But there was nothing he could?

What was he going to do from thereon?

"Akane, you may now rest in peace. Your brother has avenged you." Words rolled out of his lips with a deep sigh.

Eiji could perfectly envision the bright smile of his little sister.

A lonely tear trickled down from one of his eyes. A tear that was certainly going to be his very last.

"What am I going to do next, huh?"

[Do you want to disappear? Do you want to cease to exist?]


Eiji blandly looked at the computerized texts that appeared out of nowhere in the field of his view.

He didn't question. He didn't think of the consequences.

What more could go wrong?

If he died, then it would have been his bad luck.

Suspicious as it was, Eiji was reminded of the light novels he used to read.

Even if it was fantasy, Eiji would gladly get lost in it at this juncture.


And all of a sudden, his figure began to pixelate and glitch before it disappeared completely from the world.



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