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"Another bout of training." Zhao Wei animatedly stretched his arms causing cracking sounds to emanate.

"The training arcs never end unless you are supremely transcendental all-powerful motherfucking immortal." He then joked lightly while rotating his neck from his left shoulder to the right while also flexing and relaxing their muscles.

"All people yearn for immortality, even in my past life, a scant few scientists were crazily invested in trying to understand the exotic biology of nature's favored organisms like the immortal jellyfish or even lobster to decode small secrets of the realm of god. The cultivation world is even more extreme in the pursuit of immortality due to the existence of lawlessness and rules of the jungle."

No one really wanted to die. Even hidden within themselves, people would never shun away the window of opportunity to be immortal.

Immortality, what a good goal for one to strive for, Zhao Wei thought with a casual smile on his face.

But immortality was just a side quest of what he pursued in his grand quest.

It wasn't exactly unachievable, that was the spirit needed to realize it. An unwavering heart and spirit. Eternal life was not meant for all but for those who would rise above all hardships, setbacks, and crises.

"Many small things have changed from the original canon events and probably more are to come. Some may be within my realm of expectations while some may not. I will just have to depend on my wits, strength and luck." Zhao Wei rubbed his chin while walking in circles.

"I have roughly around two months before the start of the convention of geniuses from Sun Feather City's four big families. That period is enough for me to do a lot of things." He analyzed carefully.

After that, Zhao Wei began his serious training.

First, he decided to start with the [Freezing Ice Spear Technique].

The mnemonics of the technique were lucidly imprinted in his mind and he could easily remember everything on how to cultivate it.

The [Freezing Ice Spear Technique] had four levels. The first level was named <snow ice conversion>.

It was all about turning your inner strength into ice energy. But that didn't mean that it was going to be easy and smooth sailing. Even one single mistake would easily spell death for the practitioner. If one didn't circulate their inner strength as carefully and precisely as per the technique, they would inevitably freeze their blood vessels, energy vessels and even their hearts. This essentially made the [Freezing Ice Spear Technique] a suicidal method of cultivation. It really had strict conditions that only served to increase its difficulty.

But this sort of difficulty didn't mean shit to Zhao Wei. What he didn't lack was comprehension. His comprehension was monstrous and although his control over his inner strength wasn't sublime yet, it could still be considered nothing short of genius.

Sitting in a lotus position, Zhao Wei then closed his eyes.

Breath in, breathe out, Zhao Wei took deep, rhythmic breaths before he started meditating.

His hands were cupped against each other with all the fingers laced except for his thumbs that touched each other. This could be said to be a cultivation gesture.

From his Dantian to his energy pathways, Zhao Wei began circulating his attributeless inner strength as illustrated in the [Freezing Ice Spear Technique].

Milliseconds passed.

Seconds passed.

Minutes passed.

An hour later, from his hands, the golden luster of his attributeless inner strength started transforming into snowy white ice inner strength.

Zhao Wei could feel it. The severe coldness formed in his hands. If one had a weak physique, then their hands would have been mercilessly frozen without a doubt. Zhao Wei's physical body could resist the extremely low temperatures, not to say nothing about high temperatures. He couldn't suffer from frostbite.

Opening his eyes, Zhao Wei glared at the small block of ice lodged between his hands and smiled.

"First level no more. The second level would be even easier followed by the others subsequently."


Zhao Wei then casually pressed the super hard block of ice against his hands before it completely shattered into little ice crystals that fell on the ground.

Watching the little ice crystals on the ground, Zhao Wei suddenly started reminiscing.

"Iceman, the Frozen Cloud fairies, hehe, Elsa, Esdeath, Jack Frost…"

He absent-mindedly started thinking about the characters that attacked through using the power of Ice.

There were only a few famous ones that he could remember.

Zhao Wei knew about Elsa and Jack Frost from his childhood days. Was there really a child that didn't like the wonderful world of Disney?

Esdeath, Esdeath, she was…

It was better to leave her alone. She was just… nevermind.

The anime nerds knew her oh too well. A waifu worth simping for. The type those horny teens and men alike would gladly fantasize and allow themselves to be stepped on by a silky soft stocking-wrapped alluring…


Only the cultured minds knew what Zhao Wei was thinking.

But Zhao Wei wasn't the type to be stepped on or dominated.

"Frozen cloud fairies, the jade beauties from "Against The Gods" are a hot topic in almost all fanfictions. There are must -harem members for most protagonists. You can't just leave jade beauties that have transcended beauty like Xia Qingyue and Chu Yuechan alone. Gotta pick 'em all." Zhao Wei laughed as he remembered some of the funny harem fanfictions that he had read in his previous earthly life.

After that short break of reminiscence, Zhao Wei continued cultivating the next level.

The second level needed the practitioner to use a weapon, and of course, it had to be the spear.

The second level was titled <Falling Freezing Snow>. It emphasized on the usage of the snow ice inner strength when attacking. According to the technique, one had to coat the spear head with the icy inner strength and then contain it. When attacking one had to be as light as a feather before releasing the contained icy inner strength on the opponent like a disastrous avalanche and freezing them.

The second level was all about control and precision.

Zhao Wei wielded a spear and started practicing according to the technique.

His attacks were simple and refined, devoid of any unnecessary movements as he heavily thrusted the spear at the air.

The air cried in resistance due to the force of his attacks.

When Zhao Wei saw a nearby tree, he then marked it as his training dummy.

From his hands, he carefully channeled the icy inner strength through the shaft of the spear and finally to the head and without warning, he stabbed at the thick bark of the tree.

The tree was like tofu as he easily penetrated through its bark and into its stem and in that instant, he released all that pent up icy inner strength.


Multiple one meter long Ice Spikes protruded omnidirectionally from the stem and ultimately caused the upper part of the tree to momentarily fall. The lower part became solidly frozen.

"Now this is what I call an instant kill. If this isn't despair to my enemies, then what is?" Zhao Wei felt satisfied with the effects of the second level of the [Freezing Ice Spear Technique].

He then practiced for a few times before he felt comfortable with the style.

The third level <Icy Calamity> was an Area Of Effect move.

By stabbing the weapon into the earth, within a certain small radius around the user, the opponents will be assaulted by the barrage of icy spikes emanating from the ground.

This move was the second most difficult and had a delay period before the results were seen. It also consumed a lot of inner strength and enemies with keen senses could easily avoid being impaled from the ground.

The earth below had moisture and by using icy inner strength, the practitioner would transfer all that energy within a small radius thus lowering the underground temperatures to be able to create the icy spikes.

It was truly worthy of being called the <Icy Calamity>.

Zhao Wei easily found a way to cheat his way through the slow activation due to his high comprehension abilities and imagination.

By the end of the day, Zhao Wei mastered the final level <Absolute Spear Sense> and therefore comprehending [Freezing Ice Spear Technique] to the grand perfection realm.




Nice chapter, I long for his meeting with Xin Wuheng. It will be a good moment for you to humble the MC


Xin Wuheng is also a martial prodigy I can't wait for them to meet... His bloodline though distilled can be considered OP... I have plans to make Zhao Wei utilize the connection for the plan of the future