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[Word Count 1277]


"Pfft, that's a funny thing to think about, I must say." Kal found himself chuckling before he could stop himself.

Jennie Hale felt even more embarrassed when she heard his pleasant laughter. She wished she could find a hole and hide in it from the current situation. She couldn't believe that she was capable of saying what she had said to a beautiful man nonetheless, a man hotter than hell itself.

Kal stopped laughing or else someone's blood flow to the cheeks would be overloaded. Literally.

"Hey, so you are a fan of Yuri, or was it just due to your incoherence during that moment?" He asked in an amiable tone. As an anime nerd, he had watched so much, hentai included. So he was very well-informed about a variety of kinks. He couldn't call himself a seasoned otaku if he hadn't at least once visited the legendary site of HentaiHaven to look for an anime with a 'good' plot.

"Yuri? Girl on girl… um, I have no aversion toward it. If a woman is so beautiful that I could fall into temptation then… where's the problem?" Jennie Hale said straightforwardly. She was speaking out all of her honest opinions.

Where the problem at?

"You qualify," Kal smiled mysteriously.

"For what?" Jennie asked dubiously.

"It's a secret. So since we already know what you want very well with the exception of that fairy tale and harem thingy…" Kal took dominant steps toward Jennie, his tall figure overwhelming her small one.

When he reached her, and this time not giving a damn about personal space or whatnot, he cupped both of her cheeks and intensely looked at her.

Jennie felt her blood boil violently inside her veins. Her heartbeat seemed to be in hyper mode as it furiously wanted to break from its cage. Jennie felt anxious that it was so loud that Kal could even hear it. Even though her body felt tingles all over from just a simple touch, she couldn't avert her eyes from his. The bluest eyes that mirrored her own deeply hidden desires. She was immensely pulled by their lethal magnetism.

Kal smiled and brazenly looked at her soft pink lips, not hiding his intentions but still choosing to do nothing.

Feeling her lips being stared at like that, Jennie found herself unconsciously biting her lower lip. A mini action that was borderline seductive in the eyes of Kal.

The atmosphere between them was silent and calm.

"I don't wanna make any rules between us since I am that one person that has a tendency to fuck 'em up. I don't do lovey-dovey and shit. I can't ever see myself focusing on one thing. I am unfettered and… a bastard. Crazy one to be more accurate," Kal said slowly and chuckled at the last words.

He then pressed his forehead against hers ever so gently and their noses were sweetly touching and their breaths subtly intermingling.

"What I am trying to say is…" He said seriously before pausing.

Jennie was all ears. She had already started to understand what the roguish man wanted to put across. A line between them. A line that should never be crossed between soon-to-be lovers.

"I should never give you my heart and let you sweep me off my feet lest I be the one to suffer the brutal consequences," Jennie found courage in her heart and finished his words before he could even continue.

Kal cutely nuzzled his nose against hers and smiled handsomely.

"I think we now understand each other as adults and the consensus has already been reached. Jennie, I think I like you more and more," He said jokingly and then leaned back, leaving her disappointed and craving more of the skinship.

"So here or somewhere else?" Kal asked.

Jennie couldn't stop herself from smiling widely and then chuckled lightly.

Kal arched his eyebrows in surprise at her sudden actions. He didn't know what had just gone inside her mind.

Jennie then scoffed before extending her small, delicate hand and roughly yanked Kal's body against hers so that there wasn't any space between them. They could now feel every contour, every curve, softness, and hardness of each other's bodies.

Jennie found herself being the most affected when she felt his hard shaft throb against her belly.

A beast, a monster, is slowly being roused from its deep slumber. And oh god, isn't that thing huge? She thought to herself in wild surprise as she continued to do what she had earlier intended to.

She didn't let his package disturb her focus as she lightly brushed her soft lips against his, seductively.

"Who told you that I wanted to go anywhere? And here I thought Dr. Kal El was a character supposed to be crazy enough to disregard something as mere location," She purred like a mischievous cat.

"Or am I wrong, doctor?" She ran her delicate finger down her chest.

The atmosphere suddenly became heavy with lust and a primal need for mating like animals.

To say he wasn't affected would be an outright lie. He was damn well affected down to his balls. Lord knows how much he wanted to go balls deep inside her and fill her up with his thick, creamy… yogurt. Kal laughed in his mind at the word 'yogurt'. It wouldn't be wrong anyway since it had been three years to a decade since he…

"Where is your mind wandering off to now? Am I that… unattractive?" Jennie bit his chest while pouting up at him in displeasure. Were her sexy moves not working? She doubted herself.

'Ah, it seems I have angered her. I should do what a man gotta do.' Kal returned to the present and abruptly snaked his big hands around her soft thighs before lifting her.


"W-What are you suddenly doing without even a prior warning?" Jennie stuttered a complaint but her body seemed to say otherwise. Her now erect nipples were brazenly rubbing against his muscular chest. Her cute butt was now mere inches above his angry cock that protested tightly against his pants.

"I am about to go crazy. And give you the greatest fuck of your life," Kal leaned in and whispered huskily directly over her ear.

Without even caring about anything, he dived in for a deep kiss while his thick hands roughly explored her hips up and down, and kneaded her soft curvy ass as if his entire life depended on it.

As their tongues wildly played against each other like yin and yang, Kal had the time to telekinetically push away everything on the bench and place them somewhere safe. Then he proceeded to place her body on the smooth surface of the workbench as they continued to savor each other's unique tastes.

As they were lost in the realm of endless desires and unbridled yearning for each other, they didn't forget to do away with the clothes preventing them from feeling each other more intimately, rawness against rawness.

She was dripping wet, her liquids like small rivers threatening to fill an ocean. Jennie had never felt so horny in her entire life. She wanted to be fucked so badly, she wanted his huge veiny cock to work its abracadabra on her starving lower lips. She needed a dose of creamy…


And Kal dived in, deep into her tight and sticky pussy.

This was the moment that the two have been waiting for a very, very 'long' time.

And now that it has arrived, they fucked each other like horny bunnies for an… eternity.


Author Note: Eh… I don't know anything about this chapter.


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