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"My type of woman is a tall woman with a big ass, like Jennifer Lawrence."

-Itadori Yuuji

Word Count 1394


I had a wonderful night but the dream I had, damn, it was truly unexpected.

This time I couldn't control my dream space. Now you might be wondering why? Well, it's because I had been training myself since my teenage years on how to Lucid dream.

Having to wake up every day with a sticky boxer due to hitting adolescence, man, there was no way I would have enjoyed that slimy discomfort for long.

I had to train my thoughts whenever I was having the usual sexcapades with 'succubi' - women that I barely knew that appeared in my 'wet' dreams. (Misconception and superstition)

I know that my way of dream interpretation had been flawed since I had never taken the time to bother so.

I was no father of psychology like Sigmund Freud who had taken a significant duration of his entire life to study dreams, psychoanalysis, and yadda yadda.

I had never been so interested or invested in that domain.

But anyway, I knew a little bit about two or three things revolving around the elusive concept of 'Dreams'.

Controlling what one does in that imaginary reality - an illusion - was extremely difficult but not impossible.

And when you do, you become the god of your dream space where everything happens under your very thoughts when you are sleeping.

You basically become the Dream of the Endless, cough.

So about the dream, eh, it had been an erotic one. Of course, it had to be.

With the unimaginable elevation in both my internal and external biological makeup, the hormones responsible for my sexual drive were bound to be hyperactive.

Every bodily system was under optimal status and there were no imbalances of any kind but…

"I need to get laid. That's it. I am talking so much when the answers are already out in the open," I laughed to myself while drying my body after taking a shower.

"I had no control over that unholy and debauched nightmare when I went all demon mode on a variety of spider goddesses, for example, there was one white-haired spider woman that looked so familiar." Why the hell was a mindless Kumoko doing naughty stuff in my dream?

Weird. Super weird.

"Is Auntie Spider messing with me?" I frowned while swiftly wearing my Armani suit. There was no way I was going to wear the clothes worn by PPDC rangers.

I then sighed deeply after some time.

I couldn't completely rule out the thought of her being involved. Or maybe it was just a coincidental dream and it was just me overthinking everything?

"Anyway, I think that's a wake-up call for me to get laid at least once."

"And I also have to train my mind. A man who has both his body and mind controlling him is weak."

Honestly, I had never had a hedonistic nature or the urge to procreate like we, humans, were meant to do.

"But with this kind of face and GigaChad's bloodline, it will be very difficult to handle various beautiful women coming into my life." I posed before the mirror while being self-absorbed in my attractiveness like Narcissus.

"Ah, I will just have to find ways to deal with it."

I could help but chuckle at my own egocentric behavior.

"It was just a spur of the moment. I have got a lot to do today," I took slow and steady steps toward the door and opened it.

'And marshal will probably come to nag me. I hope they, at least, provide me with a decent laboratory.' I thought to myself while ignoring my surroundings.

After closing the old door, I flexed my arms and fixed my coat before looking behind me.

And the surprise I got… was a pair of dark brown eyes, closing teetering to gray.

Delicate nose, check.

Full and alluring lips, check.

A hot body with deadly curves at the right places, check.

Medium-sized chest, check.

Blonde, check.

Average height, check.

And finally, a soft and ample-sized butt that stood tall and was encased by the standard PPDC ranger trousers.

'Ah… My besto friendo.'

'I think I have found your ideal type of woman.' I cried comically in my mind like the Crying Hashira.

'Ah, Yuuji-kun, if you knew your crush was here, what would you have done?'

'Anyway… someone fucking tell me what the hell Jennifer Lawrence was doing here in Pacific Rim?' I shouted in my head but retained a calm and collected demeanor on the exterior.

Her pretty eyes were still looking at me and mine at hers.

Each one of us was drinking in and memorizing the attractive features of the other.

While I was composed, this woman with the physical appearance of Jennifer Lawrence wasn't.

I could hear the increase in her heart rate, and her change in breathing rate though she tried her very best to control it.

I could even hear the subtly increased blood flow to her salivary glands. She was salivating.

And when she gulped it all down her throat, the sound produced was loud enough to break the silence between us.

The situation felt slightly awkward.

I smiled when I saw the fair skin on her cheeks blushing in embarrassment before she took slow and deliberate steps toward me.

Her head was slightly bowed down as if trying to avoid my still-strong gaze.

She cleared her throat loudly to compose herself before courageously facing me.

'She's a wild one.' I thought in amusement.

Looking her up close, she looked even more sensual than ever. Her natural feminine scent was irresistible.

She had slight, almost unnoticeable makeup on her face and she looked cute.

Even though her looks weren't exaggerated like those of a Jade beauty, she seemed like the type of woman to easily stun you with her raw sensuality.

"Hey, um, you are a new face that's why I was, uh, a little bit distracted." She started while her eyes didn't stop running all over my body.

Her hands were playfully interlaced behind her back as she seemed once again lost in her own world.

'Oh Jennifer, or whatever your name is, aren't you such a strange girl?'

"Well, hello there." My deep, masculine voice startled her and she nearly lost her footing.

'A klutz.'

"I am sorry, oh I am truly sorry for spacing out. Please forgive me for rudeness," she apologized in a hurried voice without catching a breath with her arms flailing around as she explained herself.

'A funny one.'

"Don't sweat it. I am cool," I flashed her a mesmerizing smile and I swear I heard her heart almost miss a beat.

Wow, that terrified me.

I must learn to control this lethal power or else…

"Sorry once again, it's just that in addition to being a new face, you are beautiful, so beautiful that I thought you were unreal," she said without any shame while constantly looking at my eyes and body.

She seemed not to care about the cringe she just spoke about.


"You amuse me, woman," I chuckled lightly while staring her down.

"So I am told," She chuckled.

She then facepalmed herself and groaned before extending her delicate and small hand to me for a handshake.

"Today seems not to be my day. I am Jennie. Jennie Hale."

I held her hand delicately as if I was handling a wine glass and took the old-fashioned route - I lightly kissed the top of her hand while giving her that 'look'.

"Nice to meet you, Jennie," I let her name linger longer on my lips and as expected, the woman was affected.

She was enamored.

"I am Kal El," I said while returning her hand.

"Oh… your name… It's cool I guess," she commented while absentmindedly tucking in a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear.

She then bit her lower lip. "Um, I-I was going to the cafeteria. So…"

She acted fidgety.

'Hmm, just ask and you shall receive, honey.'

"Please show the way, Jeannie," I smiled at her.

And she smiled back at me albeit embarrassedly.

"Today's one of those days," She said as a joke as we walked side by side.


Our laughter intermingled along the way as Jeannie led us to the supposed cafeteria.



