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"This is the first time you have ever asked me for something. I can't refuse you even if I wanted to," Joe said, a thin smile stretching his lips. 

Seeing Gwen still giving him those stubborn yet vulnerable doe eyes, he chuckled. "Okay, I'll teach you how to protect yourself." 

Gwen showed a satisfied, victorious grin. “I was hoping you'd say that. I wasn't sure how I'd react if you had refused.”

"Maybe... just disappointed and sad?"Gwen murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. Then, she weakly shrugged to herself. Reluctantly, she edged away from Joe's comforting warmth, the loss of contact leaving her feeling suddenly vulnerable.

"I've no reason to deny you help that can save your life in these tumultuous times," Joe comforted her. 

"You are the only person I've left that I can call family. So... I don't want to lose you too," he continued his voice low and somber. 

Gwen's heart ached at Joe's words, sensing the hidden agony and loneliness beneath his stoic appearance. It was clear he still hadn't fully processed the loss of his mother.

This filled her chaotic heart with another layer of sorrow. 

'It's heartwarming that he thinks of me as a family but... I could be more than that.' Gwen thought before hugging him instinctively. 'Sigh, it doesn't matter. What matters is that we have each other's backs. I'll always be there for him and he, for me.' 

Joe slightly opened his mouth, surprised by Gwen's sudden actions. He could only chuckle, thinking that Gwen was just being sentimental. 

"So when do you want to start? In your current state—" Joe asked with concern, his palm resting on her head. 

"I'm good. We can begin anytime soon. Thanks for your concern," Gwen interjected stubbornly. She understood she wasn't in her best state, but so what? She wanted something that could distract her. Something to channel her anger, pain, and fear through. Maybe...maybe it would ease her emotional turbulence. 

"Oh, I'll respect your decision then," Joe nodded before rising from his seat. 

He then extended a hand at the astonished Gwen. "Why are you still lazing on the couch? Aren't you curious about what I've been up to?" 

Gwen shook her head, a knowing smile beaming on her face. "Thanks for making my intentions easier. I really want to know how a few months made you more... super." 

She giddily took his hand and Joe supported her up. 

"But I wonder what made you want to expose your secret. After all, you have been low-key for months." 

Joe replied nonchalantly, "I just know that I can trust you, Gwen." 

'Human nature is inscrutable and subject to myriad changes. But you, Gwen, I hope you won't change and make me regret my trust in you.' His eyes momentarily flashed with an indiscernible emotion as he deeply gazed at her. 

Gwen didn't know how to feel about that. However, his response was everything she could ever ask for. 

'Your secrets will forever die with me,' She silently swore in her heart. 

"Let's go." With his hand softly holding hers, Joe led Gwen out of the apartment. 


A few hours later, inside Joe's research facility. 

Gwen sat on a rotating office chair, her face showing a blank expression. Various thoughts ran through her mind, making her sink further into a quagmire. 

She was questioning whether her life and everyone's lives were a lie.  

There is an AI capable of evolving sentience and calculating millions of simulations instantly. 

Super soldier serum? 

Is this bastard even human? 

How is he able to come up with such incredible creations? 

Has he been hiding his superhuman intelligence among us, common folks, all this time? 

Could he be hiding even more things? 

"Stop hurting your brain with so many useless thoughts. There are a lot of surprises awaiting you and the world," Joe casually remarked. 

"I could cure Alzheimer's Disease in the next few months, maybe cancer... Hey, there's so much I can accomplish. You should start getting used to it." 

"Please stop... Just stop... You're making it even worse," Gwen glared at him, her eyes wide like saucers. 

"Everything in this room... can surely lead to the World War III. Due to your extremely high value, the US government might take you into custody." 

"You'll be a national treasure or even be made a lab rat. And that... that, oh boy, is some pretty bad news., I may be downplaying it. It could be worse." 

Gwen yapped without pause. 

"If they ever catch wind of your existence... Sigh, I wish I didn't know about all this craziness," Gwen exhaled heavily and stood up abruptly. 

Joe lazily watched her, amused by her exaggerated reaction. He found her worries understandable. However, wasn't she overreacting a little bit? 

'How cute,' he chuckled internally. 

"You can't escape now that you know my twisted secret," Joe teased, his voice lowering to a whisper that sent a chill down her spine. "Our fates are sealed, and from now on, we'll be hunted together, fugitives on the run… forever."

A cold dread coursed through Gwen's veins at the sound of Joe's ominous tone. After a moment, she noticed the amused grin on his face and realized he was just joking.

"Hmph!" She scoffed in anger and embarrassment, finding him detestable. 

"Don't you worry, Gwen. No one's going to lay a hand on us. But still...I found your concerns valid," Joe assured her, his voice suddenly turning serious. 

"This warehouse while crudely fortified isn't the safest place. So I'll have Minerva search for..." Joe stopped and squinted his eyes. 

"Minerva," Joe called out, "Can you look for an uninhabited island nearby? Um, be on the lookout for medium-sized ones and so on." 

"Anything for you, Joe," Minerva responded instantly, her intimate tone causing Gwen to raise an eyebrow. She still couldn't get used to Minerva's lifelike, feminine voice—it somehow irked her, as deep down, she saw Minerva as a love rival. But… how was that even possible?

Gwen didn't want to be that person, but she'd read more than a few bestsellers about blossoming love between a man and an AI. Heck, there was even a movie. So... her worries were justified, right?

'I will keep an eye on her. See how she behaves on a day-to-day basis and interacts with Joe. Ugh, I can't believe I'm worrying about him when he's the creator of the AI.' Gwen internally rolled her eyes. 

"Anyway, we didn't come here for chit-chat, right?" Joe turned his attention to Gwen. 

Gwen nodded. 

Joe touched his chin thoughtfully. "You have about two months before summer break ends, right?" he asked, his eyes narrowing as if calculating the time.


"Can you quit the work you do at Oscorp?"

"That will be difficult. I enjoy working there; it's my source of livelihood during the summer. Wait..." Realization dawned on her, her face illuminating with a moment of clarity.

"Do you want to hire me or something?" She curiously asked. 

"Something like that. For the next few months, I'll be working you to the bone—and of course, building your foundation in martial arts," Joe said, cracking his knuckles menacingly. The situation didn’t bode well for Gwen.

The last time Joe hired her, she got overworked but... She had to admit the overtime pay was worth it. 

Joe noticed her worries and laughed mirthlessly. "I won't overwork you this time, but... be prepared for hellish training. Consider this my gentle reminder."

"I won't go easy on you." 

Gwen sighed in relief. At least, she won't be burning the midnight oil on end. As for the martial arts training... 

"If it's about the training, then I'm ready. I'll tackle whatever you throw at me. I'm anti-fragile, remember?" She lifted her delicate arm and comically flexed her almost nonexistent biceps. 

Joe nodded in admiration, his dark thoughts hidden. 

Oh Boy, Gwen would later on wish she hadn't used the term anti-fragile

"As your teacher, before we dive into the real training, I recommend building up the basics, such as your stamina," Joe said, flexing his arms dramatically.

Gwen listened attentively. She was nervous and excited at the same time. She unconsciously kept clenching and unclenching her right hand. 

"Gwen, have you ever run for 10 kilometers?"Joe asked calmly, tilting his head slightly to the side.

Gwen loudly swallowed her saliva, her future already seemingly bleak. 

"Don't worry, Gwen. It will be fucking diabolical!" Joe smiled evilly. 

Womp Womp! 


Author’s Note: A time skip is coming up to advance the plot and introduce more intriguing characters.


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