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Zhao Wei silently walked over to Vice Head Zhang, his mind filled with thoughts about array theories, diagrammatic 3D spell formations, and how he should go about making his very first array.

Vice Head Zhang sat on a reclined chair, in his hand a briar pipe that emitted slow whisps of smoke. He sucked in, taking deliberate puffs before euphorically exhaling rings of smoke.

He noticed the boy but he didn't stop himself from enjoying the high-quality spiritual tobacco.

Vice Head Zhang gave the young man a once over and noticed that his mind seemed to be in other places. He was quite familiar with his state. He had once been there since it was a common occurrence among array masters. One would always overthink as they try to decipher new array knowledge or how to set up the said arrays.

"Phew~ You look like someone who has stumbled upon something good." Vice Head Zhang blew some smoke while casually commenting.

"Yeah, something like that. I never would have thought that the Dao of Arrays would be this—" Zhao Wei dropped himself on the opposite seat.

"Interesting, difficult, mentally straining, headache-inducing...there are many words to describe the boundless path of Arrays," Old Man Zhang finished for him, his tone playful.

'I meant to say that it was an exciting path, old goat.' Zhao Wei rolled his eyes internally but maintained an impassive expression.

"So...have you finished reading everything in the study?" Vice Head asked, blowing a few rings of smoke in the process.

Zhao Wei smelled the exotic scent, however, he seemed unaffected like it was normal. "Ya. Compared to the starter books that you had initially given me, those can be considered some pretty advanced stuff. Very helpful, if I must say."

"That was the intended effect," Vice Head Zhang showed a thin smile as he put down the pipe on the small table.

"So, are you gonna jump straight to beginner trials?"

"Aren't you gonna demonstrate the practicals for your clueless student?"

A thick angry vein pulsated at Vice Head Zhang's bald temple. "Answering a question with a question? Don't you know how to be polite to your elders?"

"Haha, old man, I know you are one not to care about niceties." Zhao Wei chuckled softly, his face beaming with an infectious smile.

"Tch, okay, okay." Vice Head Zhang sighed before his face broke into a smile.

"But you will be solely mistaken if you think I am going to practically direct you in setting up arrays," He added, his initial smile disappearing like the smoke he had been inhaling.

Zhao Wei was curious about the reason behind his decision and couldn't help but question him.


"Find your way, just like a blind man. Experience the failures and frustrations until you feel like giving up. I want you to get lost in the world of arrays before you realize the optimal path that only you can understand," Vice Head Zhang replied as he gazed at the far distance, staring at nothing in particular.

"Don't you remember that I am not your full-time teacher?" Vice Head Zhang gazed back at Zhao Wei with a knowing smile.

"Ah, so strict. Fine then, I will do it myself." Zhao Wei didn't feel dissatisfied by the old man's decision. He was quite different from Vice Head Guan.

Anyway, he already had the necessary foundation to indulge in array making and even though he knew it wouldn't be an easy walk in the park, he was going to cross all the hurdles nonetheless.

"I like the spirit, brat. I am awaiting the surprises you are gonna show me." Vice Head Zhang gave the young man a light nod.

Zhao Wei took the cue to leave as he slowly rose from his seat. He then cupped his fists, thanking the old man.

"Thanks for your tutelage, teacher. I think I am going to have a long day of practicing from hereon."

"You may go. I know you don't want to spend any more of your time with a stinky old man!" Vice Head Zhang harrumphed while crossing his thin arms hidden under wide sleeves.

Zhao Wei showed a blank expression, stumped on how to respond to the old man's funny accusation.

"I am off." Not knowing how to reply appropriately, Zhao Wei did what he knew best—he pulled one perfected technique from the Jotaro lineage.

He swore he heard the old man shower his back with R-rated cusses.

'What a foul mouth. Is he bipolar or something?'


Inside his courtyard, Zhao Wei sat cross-legged. Before him were numerous sheers of papers, both with something drawn on or just blank. Some papers were mercilessly twisted and scrunched into irregular balls.

There were drawings of geometric patterns, magical spell formations, indecipherable runes, and random objects.

He had been practicing his drawing skills and wrist movement for hours, trying to perfect his muscle control, speed, accuracy, and productivity.

Before being an array enthusiast, one had to be in tune with artistry. It wasn't a necessity but it was pretty important. Zhao Wei had to start from the foundation. And through hours of numerous practices, he slowly improved from trash to a rather...passable artist. It was all about creativity. He had decided that once he had upped his artistic skills to a commendable level, he would try creating his very first formation.

What he had in mind was a simple but practical Spiritual Energy Gathering Formation. Zhao Wei could use anything including stones to set it up but if the method of sequencing he incorporated was faulty, then the formation would be barebones.

Unlike Alchemy which was quite straightforward in its nature somehow, the Dao of Arrays was more vague and filled with mists. All in all, both of them were equally difficult professions.

Zhao Wei took hold of a sizable number of random stones on the ground. He then began to telekinetically set each stone in different directions—all the while adhering to a geometric pattern that looked like a hexagon with diagonal lines.

But... Nothing happened. There was no disturbance in the natural flow of spiritual energy. It was utterly silent except for the constant howls of the evening wind. Zhao Wei blankly looked at the lousy formation.

"You are a failure but how about giving it another try?" He addressed himself with a casual smile hanging off his mouth.

He touched his chin and began to float so that he could get an aerial view—a more exaggerated but broader perspective. You know looking at problems from different angles.

Zhao Wei began to rearrange the stone positions, this time he was more careful and more conscious, of the nodes and the core.

'There isn't a rule that stipulates formations have to be something geometric or flashy.' Zhao Wei reasoned as he recalled his previous attempt, kind of retracing his steps.

Even with his newfound optimistic approach, Zhao Wei's second attempt at arranging the Spiritual Energy Gathering Formation still failed.

Third Attempt... Failure.

"Hmm." He tried again.

Fourth Attempt... FAILURE!

"Not yet!"

Fifth Attempt... Another one!

"Haha, come on. How long will I keep on failing?" Without showing visible frustration on his face, Zhao Wei smiled at the situation, his flawless face never losing an ounce of positivity.

Sixth Attempt... "Motherf*cking mother of failures, you aren't winning anymore!" He cursed out with a triumphant momentum.

"I WIN!" Zhao Wei laughed aloud, his eyes drawn to the gradually darkening sky. He was blatantly mocking FAILURE. He was laughing at its friggin face.

On his sixth attempt of trying to successfully set his very first formation, Zhao Wei did it. He broke the code. He learned the code. The list of failures only served to push his genius mind to its fullest potential.

In the courtyard, a simple yet complex formation was roughly set up and the stones which were positioned in a disordered manner, shone with crystalline lights as they interacted with heaven and earth, drawing spiritual energy from it to a centralized location.

Zhao Wei could sense the motion of spiritual energy being sucked from the earth and the atmosphere but sadly, he could neither command it nor passively absorb it.

"Well, at least, I managed to succeed but why am I still unsatisfied?" Zhao Wei furrowed his brows tightly.

"While I can absorb the sun, moon, and star energies, the [Myriad Constellation Physique] hasn't evolved to be able to passively absorb heaven and earth energy." He pondered.

"What if I formulate an array, maybe a runic inscription... Tch, that would be a lot of work and massive drainage of my mental energy. I already feel tired after six attempts at setting up one simple formation." Zhao Wei tightly clutched at his silky hair, tugging at it as his mind delved into other matters.

A tired look showed on his face as he sighed.

"I am being greedy but as long as there is a possibility of my crazy thoughts succeeding, then there is no reason for me not to see it to the end," Zhao Wei grinned as he sat cross-legged.

He wanted to meditate and recover his spirit and mental energy via [Spirit Recovery Art]. Compared to a normal meditation session, it hugely boosted the speed at which one recovered their spirit and mental energy.

When Zhao Wei closed his eyes, the night finally fell.

Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, time flew by without warning as Zhao Wei invested most of his time and energy in the Great Dao of Alchemy, Arrays, and Cultivation.

When two months passed, an unknown sense of accomplishment bloomed in Zhao Wei's chest.

He had made so much progress!



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