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The innumerable stars in the sky dimly glittered incessantly as the subtle glow of dawn began to color the eastern horizon. The stridulations of the cicadas had already ceased disturbing the peace of the morning, replaced by the resonating chirps and cries of the golden sparrows and Yao birds. Inside a breathtaking view of a courtyard, the figure of Zhao Wei could be seen sitting in a lotus position, his eyes calmly closed, as he faced the direction of the morning sun. He was meditating, refining his mental realm, his true force, his physique. It was a dedication. It was a necessity. He needed to be always at his most optimal state. Hard work and discipline were vital aspects of the self. Rest, leisure, and practice were equally all parts of the Greater Dao which encompassed the mundane.

His meditation posture created the illusion that his entire being was connected with the earth like an immovable mountain, unperturbed by the tides of time and the cycles of the seasons. The elements approached his form like eager children, finding his affinity to be almost unequal and treating him like a parent with whom they should find solace. Multicolored hues of the core five elements entered his being, traversing his meridians before reaching the Dantian and further reinforcing the seeds of elemental essences embedded on the Illusory tree of infinite possibilities. Additionally, his core body refinement scripture — Primordial Stellar Body Refining Art — helped to continuously absorb the celestial energies of the sun, moon, and stars. Bathing in the celestial trinity(Sun, moon, and star energies) was just like drinking water. It was an integral part of him.

After hours of sitting motionlessly like a gargoyle, Zhao Wei finally opened his eyes, revealing serene pools of silver, tinted with a little bit of gold. His handsome face didn't look sleepy but brimmed with vigor. The fresh session of cultivation had primed him for the day. The aura around him also felt significantly stronger than his previous one but not to an exaggerated level. Zhao Wei noticed this and without showing any emotions on his face, he controlled the chaos in his aura, bringing order to his existence.

"Second Sky of the Ascended Realm, now this feels like cheating," Zhao Wei said nonchalantly as he rose from the ground. The golden incandescent light of the sun washed over his face and form, making him look like a beacon of light; utterly divine and transcendent. The recent breakthrough didn't faze him nor did it bring happiness to him. After all, it was just a minor sub-realm. What made him feel amazed was the [𝗠𝘆𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗱 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗣𝗵𝘆𝘀𝗶𝗾𝘂𝗲]. He was its Beta tester but so far it has only shown to be full of advantages.

After having a moment of sunbathing, Zhao Wei returned to his house to soak in a warm bath and have a change of clothes before wolfing down a sumptuous meal. He had an important meeting ahead of him that he couldn't help but anticipate. The events of the previous night of trading had already been shoved to the back of his mind. His breakthrough and measly riches paled in comparison to Vice Head Zhang, or more precisely, his mastery of the mystical Dao of Arrays

Clad in exquisite black Daoist robes, Zhao Wei sauntered out of his residence but an out-of-breath servant, who was hurriedly walking towards him, came a piece of news.

"Good Morning Senior Brother Zhao Wei!" The lanky young man with a weary expression cupped his fists with an exaggerated bow.

"Good morning," Zhao Wei calmly said.

"Elder Hai Yun requests your presence!" The servant stated loudly, then returned from whence he came.

Zhao Wei silently nodded to the thin air before he followed the path that led to Hai Yun's residence.

"Did he miss me?" Zhao Wei cringed at that mere thought.

"Considering he has yet to teach me anything, maybe he wants to rectify it. Or maybe..." Something clicked inside his mind.

"There is a possibility that Old Man Guan has passed on his evaluation of me to him." His brow furrowed in a contemplative frown as he pursed his lips in thought.

"Anyway, it isn't good to be dismissive. I better listen to what my supposed 'antagonistic' master has to say."

In a matter of minutes, Zhao Wei arrived at Elder Hai Yun's gate where he curtly nodded at the comical-looking seven-foot guard.

He didn't fly as that was his guarded secret and had opted to just use his physical speed.

'Oh, Bei Moi also came?' Zhao Wei thought when he saw a youth with a passive cold look standing before a man clad in speckless white robes. The man was Hai Yun.

He seemed to be talking about something uninteresting. Zhao Wei, ever in control of his information intake, didn't bother to eavesdrop.

When Zhao Wei edged closer, Bei Moi noticed him, as for Elder Hai Yun, he had already been aware of him the moment he arrived at the gate through his spiritual sense.

"I pay respect to the master." Zhao Wei clasped his hands with a slight bow.

"Good. We haven't seen each other in a few days and you have already achieved outstanding achievements in your cultivation progression," Elder Hai Yun exclaimed with a satisfied smile hanging on his lips. He didn't find his quick advancement to be abnormal. He thought it was the influence of Vice Head Guan's excellent pills plus Zhao Wei's innate talent. But even with the help of pills, Zhao Wei's cultivation speed seemed rather peculiar compared to Bei Moi's, who had managed to reach the Ascended Realm just recently.

Their talents were supposed to be the same, right?

Bei Moi's lips twitched, frustration, doubt, and indignation momentarily crossing his eyes before he reverted to his cold expression.

What's so different about him? Why is he still better than me when I had resolved to surpass him? Aren't our talents the same?

Hmph, constantly using pills to break through realms is going to cost him in the later stages.

I am me and he's him. I shouldn't despair lest I develop an inferiority complex or heart devil over something stupid.

I believe my time to shine will arrive.

Various thoughts run through Bei Moi's mind in a matter of seconds. He promised to work himself to the bone after this session. Being constantly in Zhao Wei's shadow was surely demoralizing but due to his forced-to-mature mind, he took it as something to constantly motivate himself.

"I have received a positive response from Vice Head Guan. He told me that you are someone who was born to be an alchemist," Elder Hai Yun continued with a smile.

"You are exaggerating. I am not that talented in Alchemy Dao compared to Martial Dao," Zhao Wei humbly smiled back at him. It was just a mere pretense.

"Stop pretending to be humble. You are allowed to be arrogant if you are capable," Hai Yun said coolly, a wise glint shining in his eyes.

Zhao Wei smiled awkwardly after being exposed.

'Well well, my acting still needs improvement.' He noted silently.

"There was something that I wanted to talk to you about," Hai Yun proceeded with a serious expression. He was no longer smiling.

The two young men listened carefully.

"The Floating Crest Trial is set to occur in three months."

Hmm, Floating Crest Trial? Zhao Wei mildly thought as he recalled all the information he had read about the Floating Crest Trial.

He had only one evaluation: It was both a dangerous place and a place of fortuitous opportunities.

The Floating Crest Palace only opened after every 5 years.

The competition would be based on the Inner Disciple rankings, involving roughly a hundred participants. At the end of it all, only 10 exceptional talents that would stand above others will be able to get the chance to enter the Floating Crest Palace.

It didn't matter if your granny or grandpa was the Sect Leader, if you didn't have the necessary strength to secure a spot then you would simply forsake such a precious opportunity.

'It will be interesting if I must say. I have yet to meet the shy girl that got involved with Zhao Feng in a you-have-seen-me-naked cliched situation.'

'There is also his senior sister or something.'

'I can't believe they will just be passersby.'

Soon, after Elder Hai Yun explained everything about the Floating Crest Trial, he gave each one of them a token to enter the Hollow Building thus giving them two chances to access it.

"Bei Moi, are you planning to murder the whole lineage of someone that wronged you or what? Why do you have to be that cold?" Zhao Wei joked lightly as two young men descended the mountain.

"I have never met a guy with so much nonsense like you!" Bei Moi harshly retorted.

"It's really simple, little brother Bei. It's because you have no friends." Zhao Wei teased. He was trolling him.

Bei Moi felt the sting and winced before assuming a neutral face.

"I don't need friends!"

"Yeah, you don't need them."



"I swear one day someone is going to humble you!"

"Newsflash — I have already once been humbled. I am not looking to be humbled once again."

"They always say that."

"By the way, didn't I humble you once?"


Moments later, Zhao Wei's carefree laughter echoed through the air as he sped away. Bei Moi left fuming in his wake, cursed a string of bitter insults.

If only he was faster than him...

But it was a pity he was "Quicksilver" and Zhao Wei was "The Flash."

He could never catch up.



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