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How would I even do this?  Y'all see how long it takes to do a character.  I can't really imagine doing that for someone else and it costing less than $1000 and that's lowballing it.  So if anyone is interested can you tell me how you think it should work.  Since I think it feels like making a Mugen character would be more time-consuming than a fursuit or a 3d model or anything else.

Just seeing if it's even possible.



I feel like commissioning a stage would be way easier, and affordable. A couple 2 or 3 frame animations here and there, but mostly a static background.


You do not need Mugen Commissions. Where did that come from?

Ray Rhythmus

I dunno about estimating a price for this, but I'd be very interested nonetheless!


interesting prospect, but honestly a risky move. I say focus on the characters you have or upcoming at your own pace. Sprite and programming a moveset I doubt is even remotely easy, let alone quick. Still if youre totally down to do this, then so am I

Ray Rhythmus

Alternatively, mayhaps doing another stage could work with some character cameos!


I just wanted to see if anyone had any ideas about it. I don't think it's really doable.


I'm not even that good at stages I feel. But that does feel more doable.


I'm just putting this out there to see if it's even possible. I dunno if I like the prospect of working on someone else's character for that long.


For some weird reason, they're not letting me reply to you Kazecat. But whatever you're down with doing, I'll be all right with.


I would say don’t. I know your characters are VERY unique and everyone probably has a dream character they’d want you to make but with how much you would have to put into them, it’s probably more than most people could pay. Think about it, theyd have to pay for the MULTIPLE illustrations, instances of coding, bug testing, and anything extra. Even if it were $10 per frame, it’s more than most could pay. I’m not going to strike anyone from trying to commission you but just being realistic. I feel you should definitely finish anything you have in mind or at least maybe do commission characters twice a year. Maybe one in the winter and summer. Not trying to make it sound greedy or anything, just know how much work goes into just one character. And this is just one of the tricky aspects to think about.


Definitely very difficult. Due to it being hard to estimate the amount of work it would take, I'd say you'd probably have to do it in instalments, and probably adjust how many instalments are necessary as the process goes along to avoid ending up undercharging for your work. Honestly, any way you do it, it seems like a potentially colossal headache, especially if you get stuck with a characters concept you don't enjoy. You could make good money off of it, for sure, but it'd certainly be a much longer-term commitment that you'd be locking yourself into, and that brings a lot of risks. That being said, if you do ever go that route, I would happily pursue that Texas idea we've discussed in past!


Yeah it sounds nice but I wouldn't recommend it. Too much time for not enough pay. Besides I like the cast your making already.

Frost Metsu

It would only work if you had someone else w working with you but by time alone, it would cost you close to 1k if its your normal quality work let aline move sets etc. Youd need to hire s coder and programmer andpay them too. If people are willing to pay you shpuld do it when youre out of ideas, and would enjoy it.

Jack matherson

Theoretically if you wanted to do this you’d obviously have to state you have the full right to deny and or refund any commissions you want for your sanity sake limit the amount of commissions per year or only have a select few of people be able to commission something start off small with like 3 button characters or even smaller with just the sprites and concept art and ideas for the moves should already be done in advanced to help you out make it easier. Charge for the sprites/coding/extra things would take more time to do like assists sound design how many moves the character and don’t charge for whatever they don’t need Or whatever they state they can do themselves


Yeah if you were to do it, I think the only feasible way would be on a quote-based system (definitely not a set price), and even then it would get really sticky. Even though I would definitely be in the willing to pay group, I think I'm fine with just watching you create what YOU want to create, not what you're paid to.

Bobby Mackolatoo

Most of this depends entirely on your own work ethic I’d say. If you are able to pause your own works for a bit, I’d say you can take 1-2 slots with a half down deposit for each. Give them an estimated amount of time so that they know how long it will take and will therefore be a bit more patient. You can charge depending on the complexity of the character, how fluid they want the motions to be($X.XX per X number of sprites or something). Break down how much you would charge for supers, grabs, whatever. You can charge depending on the tier of the character basically. If it’s a shitter with only a few moves, X amount of money, and it increases. I know it’s a bit different, but I was just throwing a suggestion out there based off of how I charge for my AV animation commissions. I wouldn’t say throw the idea away, but figure out what works best for you as a creator. Maybe not even charge for commissions, but do edits of existing characters instead? That may be the better route since it would be less work I assume, and you could take on more of a workload. I for one would pay for this as I love your characters. I was definitely one of the ones begging for an anal vore move at one point 😂

Victor Richards

You could just add another tier for a few patrons and then see if anyone is willing to pay whatever amount you feel is appropriate. Also, I feel you should start putting a cap on how many characters there should be for this project, but I don’t know if you plan on making a proper game out of this or not, so it’s not my business to assume so.


How much are the commissions?