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One of my favorite moves of Jumbo is his basic butt drop.   Since he was my first character I used his butt drop for a ton of his moves.  However this time I plan on animating more different variations of his butt drop.  Still since he has so many special moves of butt drop this allows a lot of moves to work now.  I'm not sure when I'll let you try him but i haven't updated in a while with a batch so I may do that soon.




Heh, getting to the good stuff now!

Ray Rhythmus

The screen shake KILLS me @w@


That face that he makes post butt drop knowing that whoever got caught under that is completely destroyed! It's the little things, Looks hella good keep it up!


Do you think you'll give him a new grab? Not to sound rude or ungrateful but I do find his grab rather plain.