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I need to design attacks that fit everyone of these interest for Sarjiri. Trying to make everyone happy with this boss character. So I want a handy guide to mark certain things peeps may want. If an interest is missing let me know. I'll add to this.

Anal vore is still iffy with me. I'm not sure if I can do that without being adult. But if you want it PLEASE speak up.

Edit: I think there may be a slight misunderstanding judging by the comments. She's getting all of these somewhere in her moveset, I was more wondering about stuff not here that I may have missed.




These are all so good! Personally would love to see an AV move from her 👀 Maybe try a frontal or side angle like this so nothing explicit is visible! https://dl.dropbox.com/s/npjxdrq2cvmp2sb/11-24-2018karpscommission.png?dl=0


These all look good can't wait to see how you implement them


Like I'm sure I've said a thousand times, I am very hyped for this! And as fun as AV would be, I can certainly understand your reticence. It's very much a step beyond the content you've done so far.

Ol Souless

2,5,10 and 11 seem very fitting for her


1, 2, 6, 8, and 9 all look interesting to me. Julian was very butt central so it would be nice to have a something a little different.


1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, &11 are all quite fun. The POV squash would be a unique move for her. With her size, you could do different takes on certain moves (especially the breast hug and thigh squeeze).


That's a bit helpful. Still not sure how normies would handle that.


This is actually a very good set for her. Her character screams boss time so using everything in her arsenal to crush, both figuratively and literally speaking, fits her quite well. Could even give her craters on her drops and a grind (instead of 5-6 like Jumba’s, it’s just maybe 2). Just be looking at her, even if her motives are to just train the opponent storyline-wise, she would still be quite ruthless about it so an elevated way to emphasize the pressure and strength she puts into attacks/grabs would be a sight to see. About the AV, I’m good with anything you put out because you really integrate moves into each character and make them feel unique across the board but it’d definitely separate Sarjiri’s availability compared to everyone else. I feel like she completes the “first wave of characters” feel to the roster as she’d be regulated to the “adult” section otherwise. I’m totally onboard with any characters onward like that though.

Ol Souless

gotta pull out all the stops for the big boss huh? I like it.


1,2,8,11 if we are tallying up stuff. But all of it looks amazing!


Butt centric is only because I'm the one animating. I try to cover other interest but I think every character will be butt centric.


Ah, well, I don't see anything missing as such. More flavor than moves, like earthquakes whenever she lands to unbalance opponents, maybe?

Harry the Shark

Would definitely love to see AV if you can find a way to do it that you're comfortable with.


Also voicing my interest to see AV with her! If 8 (weight Gain) is a mode for her, it would be cool to have moves like 1, 2, 5 & 10 made more powerful as a result. 11 looks like it could be a super at that angle. With Sarjiri's size I imagine 5 & 6 naturally larger than other character's versions, 5 filling up a lot of the screen, while 6 could shake it. Perhaps a move where she bounces back players with her butt, or a grab attack where she bounces them off her gut? Really cool to see her in the works and excited to see where you'll take her!


You scared me with that assumption. Weight gain is hard to do as a form since then everything following it has to be reanimated to match. Its quite daunting and I don't think I could do it on a mugen character unless I gave myself a lot more time than I usually do. The weight gain move when I get to it will probably be self contained like Twiggi's super.


That's entirely fair, I was just confused as to whether it was meant to be self-contained or a mode. It would definitely be way too much to add unless it was specifically designed as a character, rather than an add-on move.


AV is totally cool for me. Since she is a boss character, it would make sense for her to have a rather "heinous" ability. Plus a little more vore would be kind of nice to see, specially in such a large character. If she had anal and oral vore, it would definitely fit her gigantic stature.