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She can't do this without sucking the life force from her opponent. Also i'm gonna do something really basic for the follow up to this. Its the 26th and I need to be done by Halloween so I just gotta use what I can and whats doable in this time. I hope you all enjoy, as I'll be making her playable soon.



Trinity Fate

Love the subtle ground shake with each stomp. It's a nice touch


In the game version that will be done by the engine. With the intend of each stomp being heavier than the last.


This looks very good


I love how happy she looks <3


Maybe since she’s “gained” the weight of her opponent, can use sort of imitation moves from other characters using one of each of the directional buttons and attack and could even incorporate some portal play. Forward + attack could have her run into a portal and appear out of one behind her opponent for a butt rush attack, backward + attack could be retreating into a portal behind and go into a belly bump out of a portal in front of the opponent, down + attack would be dropping into a portal below and appearing out of a portal above the opponent for a butt drop, and up + attack would be jumping into a portal to appear out of one below the opponent for a buttercut. A fun guessing game for each player. EDIT: realized this is posted late, my bad.