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I've been working on this off and on. It took way longer than it should have but now that its out the way I can focus on other things I need to do like all the sprites I gotta get done. Download links are gonna be below as well as change log.


(Just Characters)


(Mugen Bundle)


Change Notes:


• Jumbo felt too slow for most to have fun with him. So his tool kit has been upgraded to allow him to do more combos.

• He has two more supers and his original is now just a level 3. An anti air grab and a vicious butt stomp super.

• His crouching Roundhouse will now bring the opponent to you on hit. It works even at very long ranges.


• Jiggly was already really good at combos and building meter and this update gives her a bit more potential to play around with and a fairly damaging level one super to make use of.

• She has two more supers; one is an invincible anti-air and the other is a projectile immune lunge.

• Her EX butt bump now is meant to extend combos so its old functionality is loss.


• Bertha received 2 additional supers; one is a invincible butt drop meant to anti the anti-airs and the other is pretty much Bionic Ass. Bionic ass is invincible on start up but not for long during its active frames.

• Super butt drop is invulnerable all the way down. Its not flashy at all but its Bertha doing it so it will be efficient. This is not recommended as a combo finisher, more of a way to run over things if your opponent is under you attacking.

• Her regular butt drop has had its armor decreased, since the super now has this job.

• EX Butt Bump now has WAY better recovery and is a combo extender.


• Katrina is the character that feels like she already works. So she didn't get many things.

• Her EX Deathroll Suplex is now a combo extender and still bypasses projectiles.

• She has only received one super a lot of ideas I had to make another super out of require more animation so I just didn't do them.


• Lost a move, the gas traps that she laid on the floor is no longer an option.

• New move gained she now has "Aroma Stream" which is a stream of gas that rises upwards. similar to a Yoga Flame. Its a good combo-ender or anti air.

• Pole Catastrophe is her new Super and its a poisonous plasma ball that will chase her opponent. It can be charged to get more hits and damage out of it and doesn't even require a long time to do so.


• EX Scissor Bomb can now extend combos and still bypasses projectiles.

• New super is Missile Barrage, and anti air super that's pretty easy to combo into and does a good chunk of damage.


• New overall mechanic, Lardos body odor type attacks will now remove meter from their opponent. I'm trying to make Lardo hit like a light weight since he has health regen. So he's suppose to function like a non dying tanky blob rather than a straight up fighter.

• His tail grab super is one move but it has the option built into it. Hold up to grab air hold down to grab leg. Its a dirty move to me since you can choose pretty late into the move. Either way the leg grab can be blocked low and the air one can't be blocked at all.

• His butt drop super is just a simple way to fart on his opponent, this will sap a lot of their meter and do damage. This move also homes in on the opponent unlike Bertha's version.

• Belly Bump goes through projectiles now, and not via invulnerability. Lardo's belly just clashes with projectiles and he takes NO damage for it. His belly will eat however many projectile hits run into it. Learn the timing and try it out.


• Zafta to me seems fairly good, she has the best reach and can still combo, I intended her to be a zoning character but that feel through since her run speed and pressure can be good.

• Zafta has combo extending properties on her EX double kick and windmill.

• She has 2 supers one for damage and one as a escape. The Super Kick combo is just for damage and for combos. The Super Windmill is very chaotic and meant just to be a blender of kicks to escape something. Its not reliable and its not meant to be but it has a large amount of invulnerability and can chip.


• Has his EX grabs extend become combo starters.

• His supers are now what the old EX grabs where. They are purely for damage and have the benefit of being supers. So Maku can try some tick shenanigans by using special to tick into a super grab.

• Makuyama has 2 additional supers and they are both grabs.


Additional Supers Update

Alright this little side project is done. If these seem lazy keep in mind the goal was to make new supers without creating additional assets. Which I did anyway. All my characters have their ex moves changed and additional supers on top of the ones they already had. They should all be more viable so try em out and let me know what you think. Download: (Characters only) http://www.mediafire.com/file/52yz22yb21zfx3u/Kazes_characters.zip/file (MUGEN bundle) https://www.mediafire.com/file/ce8cbzk9x7oa8p4/OC_Mugen_11-20.zip/file



Ok :-)