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I sped up the animation by dropping the frames animating her turning around. Instead the move is done by doing quarter circle back. Which will make you enter the walk back animation which already turns her back to her opponent. Which kinda feels accurate for a skunk. They fire from their rear so a down forward motion may not make as much sense for it.

Now I don't like the effects so far for Aroma's gasing and that really slows down her progress. So I gotta research how I want this gassy girls projectiles to look so I can proceed.

Also minor note her underwear is fishnet in design since she obviously needs to let air get past that.




I think it would be kind of funny if her tail had a hitbox, but it looks great so far


I think her tail is too fluffy to do any real damage. However her butt has a hitbox on this.


Eight marble Ura is a game you could look into to see how the gas attacks work in there, might help find the way you want to do it?