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Hello everyone

I want to give you some updates and changes for March.

First regarding Spirit request, The spirit request system will be changed from first come first served to choices, this way it will give some chances for those who haven't had a chance on the request.

The second will be for the commission, due to some complication issues during January and February some of the commission was delayed or halted, now the commission is resuming as usual albeit at a slower pace. Apologies for any Late updates during that month I will make sure each will be finished, and the Commission will be available only for comics and Animation for now, Long animation will be closed for this month.

Lastly, I have been thinking about this for a while but I would like to reduce some commission and misc request slots in favor of the Corruptor's order, personal work, and some unique ones.
there are some ideas that I have in mind to make that will use themes that many have suggested, and also I have seen some requests that piqued some interest in interacting with My character or adding some challenges for Improvement.

I hope after all the requests and commissions are completed, I can explore this more.

that's all for now, thank you for the support, and apologize if there's any word that didn't fit well in this.

Thank you.

PS: A little robot from Helldivers.



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