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Hello everyone.
I like to give you some updates for December and January.

First off, the Corruptor's Order poll will be closed soon, and from the looks of it, this one will be a challenge since it has fewer sources than the other two.

also, the image above is what the character that will appear on each animation if one is chosen

, It would be interesting to explore what the character will do in each story.

Second Regarding commission, the next one will be open in January, and discussion related to the commission is open for this month, so if you want to reserve a slot for January, you can do it this month.

lastly, I would like to thank everyone who has supported me this year, despite some slowdowns and some personals, I still do My best to work out each animation and I hope to see what challenges will appear the next year.

That's all for now.
Thank you.


It will continue from where it left off
the unique one, this one has a different look for the possessed
the initial plan will have some YouTubers as background characters as the possessed ones
It will continue from where it left off



Is that Shugrr in image 3?