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Hello everyone I heard from someone that the patreon got some trouble again, This time is same, most of the patron got their payment declined again but the difference here is that all of the NSFW creators including me have their payment to Uk.

From the email I got here

"If your patrons are having any trouble, here’s what they can do:

1.If their bank suspects that the Patreon payment is fraudulent, a patron can call up their bank to confirm the payment is theirs and genuine.
2.If their payment failed, they can follow these steps(https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/203913799-Why-did-my-payment-decline-How-do-I-retry-my-payment-) or switch to a different payment method.
3.If they are seeing an international processing fee, they can switch their pledge to a different bank that doesn’t charge for international payments.
4.They can reach out to the Patreon support team to get account specific help."

Another from a creator name nonoplayer ( link to his/her side of this patreon error https://www.patreon.com/posts/21171344

It said that if you are using American express or a pre-paid gift card, please change it to debit card, credit card or PayPal 


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