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I think FANBOX and Patreon are my bases of activity

Here, let me tell you what I think.

It's sudden, but recently I've been feeling a lack of study (input).

I whether to pause for about three months from the next month, I'm troubled.

The issues I feel are mainly the following.

?Study making study (input)

?Painting (input)

? Studying money (input)

?Review of PDCA cycle for study (input) and work production (output)

?Review and study the backup environment of the PC (since the Win10 OS recently broke...)

?Know-how and knowledge of how to operate the support site


Originally, I only created works, so that's obvious.

However, I am worried about the following two reasons.

?Isn't it better to study while operating a support site to improve input efficiency?

?If you rest for three months, you may be forgotten...?<

It feels like...!

I continue to produce and operate my work while studying the parts that I wondered about every month in the production and operation of the support site.

However, the end of the month continues without the time to solve the lack of study...!

If you would like, I would appreciate your comments and advice.




























Dan Vincent

Yeah, if you fear burning out, or that the problems you have are going to just get bigger if you keep going, then I really think that taking a 3 months break could be a good idea.


ありがとうございます! 今後も長く、創作活動を続けるために、少し勉強が必要かもしれません。


Thank you! My lack of study is embarrassing, but I want to make a habit of continuing to create works while studying.


If you want to take time to improve your study, that would be great. You will still have supporters. ^_^


Thank you! I regret that I have not been able to research the issues that have emerged in the continuation of Patreon operation every month. I want time to look them up once.