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As we use patreon questionnaire form from this month
Inevitably, Fanbox and Patreon's votes are divided.
Please rest assured that we added up.

· illustrations
Muscle Growth
(original · difference with a total of 4 illustrations)

· Manga
Leofunjin(Digimon English translation & Japanese png + pdf)

? About change from last month notice
I had predicted that I would deliver new comics this month
Due to the schedule, the completion of manga is likely to be after mid-April.
So I decided to change the manga, which was scheduled to be distributed next month, to May distribution.
I am sorry for those who were looking forward to it!
We hope you enjoy the new illustration + past cartoon in April.

?Thank you for your support!I will return to the work!?

Thankfully I bought headphones, houseplants and books!
... When I tried to take a picture, Incineroar came out.
It's so cute together.

The headphones have a great noise cancellation function !!
It will be very quiet when you put it on.
Because I'm getting more concentration
It has become less of the time not wearing this in one day.

I could buy muscle anatomy + beautiful flowing books.
Something good for drawing good muscle.
I will read it while wearing headphones!

Thank you very much!
Thank you very much next month ~



Dang, if only it was a combination of Leomon AND Musclegrowth. ;3 <3 <3 <3 But glad you were able too get all the things you needed. ^^ <3 <3 I hope they will be of great help buddy. <3 <3 <3


You so Cool


Well, everyone is happy if Leomon does Muscle Growth! I used to draw the original character, Muscle Growth, and I will use the idea as a reference!