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Hello everyone! Still mildly sick... but now I'm only coughing and sneezing, which is something sadly I'm very used to. So, time for the "general status update" I mentioned previously. 

For starters, let's do the sums for 2023. 

... yeah, no. It sucked, it sucked so fucking bad. First few months were going alright, I was pickup momentum again with the art, then in May a family member returned to town and started dropping his personal drama at my door every few days. And of course there was that itty bitty issue of the fucking flood that destroyed my workplace. We only got the last of the furnitures and appliances back in the office only... hmmm... 3 days ago at the time of this post. 

I could have done better on the art front. I WANTED to do better, desperately... especially since there's still a lot of unfinished or even un-started commissions on my backlog, but it just didn't happen. I'm not gonna make any excuses for it. Yes, there were things that held me back, but I still feel like I could have done better, and it gnaws at me, big times. 

So... what's next? 

Well, we're still here. My monthly earning from Patreon are at an all-time low, but honestly I'm amazed any of you guys is still backing me up. Amazed and grateful, of course. So, I'm gonna keep going, and hope this isn't the year this site pulls a Tumblr and kicks off the platform all its NSFW artists. I'm trying to do a few changes to improve my well-being and my productivity, and early results seem to be encouraging. I'm also planning to take a big plunge and get a bigger and fancier tablet. I should have done it much, much sooner, but once you get used to working with what tools you have, change can be scary. 

Priority remains to finish the old commissions... I've still got a bunch of larger sequences to complete, as well as few smaller, simpler things. After those are done, we'll see. I want to go back to draw much more for me, in the hope that it leads to me drawing much more in general. Either way, I'm thinking that if I ever take new commissions, it'll be more YCH kind of stuff, aka work I can get done at my own pace in advance to a larger degree, do prevent future blocks and delays. And I really really REALLY want to do some more longer and intricate stories. But I don't really feel comfortable starting with that type of stuff, until my older obligations are deal with. 

So with that said, thank you all for your patience and support, as always. May the future chill the fuck down for at least a while, and see you soon with more art. Currently working on some FF and latex dolls stuff. I'll see you next time I have something better for you than a wall of text!


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