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Yes... I'm STILL not done with that GUDDAMN sequence.

I don't know why that thing has been kicking my ass this bad. Six months for a 6-7 parts sequence? What the hell. If it hadn't been haunting me for this long already, I would just quit here and move onto something else, but I WILL get it done.

Anyways! Onto something else lmao

No, but seriously tho, I'm sorry that thing isn't done, but Halloween is coming soon and I'd like to do something for my favorite season of the year. I have narrowed it down to a couple ideas already, but I'd like your imput on which one to make. You only have until Monday tho, then I need to get started making the artwork if it has to be ready in time. Since this is an extra poll, this one's for all the patrons!

I bet I already know what the winner will be but... surprise me x3 


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