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Wow, already hit the basic goal in the first day! Amazing!

The flu is getting both better and worse... I have no longer the fever, but now the virus moved to the lungs and I need a ton of meds just to breath correctly. Sigh...

Anyway, here's the very very very first and rough sketch for Sexy Witch Ann Possible, proper lineart coming in a day or two =) Depending how long it takes to me to get abit better...

And if you're wondering about your Patron Rewards, we'll talk about them next week, once I get the first payment. I'm sorry if I sound paranoid, but I've eared quite a few times of people signing up to a Patreon, getting their rewards and unsuscribing before they have to pay a penny. It'd be pretty foolish of me not keeping an eye on that kind of stuff.  I'm very curious to see what you guys will want me to draw!



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