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Hello again everyone. Sorry for the lack of updates, but I haven't been...  well for a few days. I'm fine now, but a combination of stress, abuse of caffeine and seasonal allergies did a bit of a number on me. I've tried to act like it was no big deal, even did a "I'm doing fine!" update on my DA page... and had to go to the hospital for a checkup literally the day after xP

I'm doing much better now, and I'm back drawing, but I'm afraid I've accumulated delay ontop of my pre-existing delay. 

I guess I'll try to make the current sequence a longer one after all to make up a bit for it. And we'll do catchup month with payments switched off later down the line... I'm deeply sorry. 


Tutor Veritatis

Health before work. Life should not be about fulfilling obligations at the cost of well-being.


No need to apologize, you just focus on actually feeling better