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Before anything else... NO. No more delays, I'm working on the new bunch of sketches, and they'll be ready in a day or two. 

That said... I usually don't talk of my personal life here, but this time I'm gonna make an exception. I live in a country where is very very hard to try be an artist full time (I mean... harder than the average, which is already a pain in the ass), wether you make safe for work aart, not safe for work art, or like me a bit of both. I still live with my family, because in order to have all the necessary paperwork in to rent a place all for me I'd have to pay a buttload more of taxes, and then my monthtly income wouldn't suffice to maintain me. But I am managing to slowly but constantly increase my incomes, so that eventually that can change. And in the meantime I save a bit of money every month and help paying food and bills, like a responsible adult should. 

Then there's days like today, where to keep the lights up I had to pull out of nowhere over 600 euros to pay an unprevented bills backlog. Fun times. Last time it happened, it was 3 or so years ago, and I pretty much had to whore myself out left and right, and build up several months of art backlog in commissions without retaining a dime of it. 

This time, while grumpy as hell right now, I managed to resolve everything in a matter of an hour, because of my savings, that have been growing all this time at a decent pace because of you, guys. 

Yeep. What a twist! I wasn't trying to have a pity party for myself, all I wanted to do was to share how much helpful the support of every. Single. One. Of you. Is and has been to me today, and in the past few years. I seriously can never thank you enough, so... don't expect me to stop saying that anytime soon xD You're the best fans and supporters one can wish to have, and it makes truly, genuinely happy that my stupid kinky pictures entertain you as much as they do. 

Alright... enough with this sappy b.s. tho lol back to drawing stuff! 


Robert Gomez

Sappy or not, I'm sure everyone here is happy to know that you are all right! And honestly, that's what really matters here!


Just noticed that you hit the milestone of $800 per month!


keep up the awsome work. happy to help/support one of my fav creators of art :)

Alphax Anon

I'm glad you're able to continue making art for us! Don't be afraid to ask us if you need anything within reason.