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Asuka opened her eyes... her whole body felt sore and uncomfortable. All around her... just darkness.

"Wo... wo sind sie... ?"

She was sitting ontop of something. She tried to get up, and felt alot of pressure on her torso and arms.

"What... ?!"

Soon  enough, Asuka realized she was somehow tied or bind to whatever she was  sitting on. It felt like a big bulky chair of sort. She tried to wiggle  in her bonds, and to to topple the seat. But her bonds were pretty  tight, and whatever she was sat on was too bulky to move around and give  her a chance to escape.

A door in front of her opened. Light flooded the room.

"Ahh... you're awake at last, great... let's get us started!"

A woman voice... somehow filtered, like there was something blocking the sound...


Asuka's Stats:

Obedience 00/100: extremely defiant and uncollaborative;

Intelligence 90/100: very intelligent and capable;

Temper 70/100: kind of a bitch... so nothing new under the sun;


It's here! It's finally here! Originally I planned a longer, more complex intro, but I decided it'd be best to just get this party started, rather than just come up with reasons to take even more time to begin with this new story ^ ^ 



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