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Number Nine took a few weeks to ge used to her new, permanent,  condition. At first, every time she saw her mistress walking past her,  she started to spaz out and wiggle in her bonds, trying to get her  attention. Other than the few occasional chuckles from her, it didn't  seem like her owner cared to play more with her. She was just a display  object now. A pretty thing in her collection of pretty thing. Nine often  wondered who and what else might have been part of said collection. But  she was never going to find out.

The  Shadows were the only regular contact with another living creature Nine  received: they cleaned her, they fed her, they changed her mask's filter  to keep her sleepy and docile, and even took her for walks in a small  garden a couple times a week. Not that she could tell how much time was  passing. However they covered her head every time she was taken out of  her cage, to make sure she couldn't figure out her surroundings or what  else might be going on around her. She was pretty sure she wasn't alone  in her predicament, but had no way to see or communicate with other  captives.

After a few months, Nine just  accepted her toll in life, and did her best to just stand still and look  pretty. Her mistress seemed to notice, and that made her happy. So Nine  had that little win, at least... likely the last win of her life.

Which  also promised to be a very very long one. Her mistress had the wealth  and the means to keep her favorite toys alive almost indefinately. Not  that Nine still had any way to tell the passing of time...

In  about an year an a half, Number Nine forgot to even having ever been  anything but a pretty shiny thing, standing in a display area. Had she  been shown a photo of her original self, she wouldn't have known who  that cute redhead named "Nami" was. 


Nami's final stats:

Obedience 100/100: will obey every command, she pretty much has no more free will of her own;
Intelligence 16/100: completely reliant on other people and servants to attend to even her most basic needs;
Lust  100/100: even looking briefly at her own reflection makes her incredibly horny;
Corruption 100/100: being a pretty thing covered in rubber and always in bondage is the only life she remembers living;


And this is it for our poor pirate girl! Thank you all for your patience. Originally I wanted to have an even longer and detailed ending, but I thought I made you wait long enough. Hope you enjoyed it! Will do a PDF version collecting the whole thing and with revised text later on, but this is it for now!




it was an great ending ^^


A great ending, indeed ! I loved your story, it was long, detailed and interesting.